Warning: Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong entry....
Teng3x….UNDER PRESSURE!! (a song by Queen)
Why you keep on smiling like that?
Ya la…you don’t see me while I’m so stress up in front of the computers…I only smile in front of you Doc!
…Ooooooo I’m ALIVE!!! (a song by Celine Dion)
Crammed with work but I feel goooood!!
Hmm, there must be something about doing things at the very last minutes – your heart beat faster – almost erratically. You get high and a sence of euphoria!!
Who am I kidding again!???
On academic front-
A sample of my day for the past few days ( I clocked in almost 15 hours per day):
I wake up at 4 you know to work on this...(me too la..but I went to bed after 12!)
R u here yet? 8am (My God!!! It's only 8 o'clock for goodness sake!!)
Lunch ? 10am (Sori i'l take a rain check 4 2day. Thx)
Kak ktner? Bz tak? 12pm (Sori bz sesgt ada paper due Friday. Sori eh – mkn pun tk smpt!)
Concluding remarks: My work station is a mess, laundry pile-up, no time for this & that...and the paper is still half baked! Forget Beijing...PD perhaps?!!
Life Lessons: Banking & Credit 229
Kalau org lapar minta makanan, jgn bagi ikan tapi ajarkan memancing:
A friend of mine. Showed her my yearly/monthly/weekly budgeting and ask her to do the same in returns for lending her some money. No-no, the amount doesn’t matter. I am sure she will pay me back since this is not the first time. Although I had shown her the same budgeting techniques ages ago (2 years since then) but her excuse is- Ala, buat hari ni je lepas tu esok pagi mesti dah lupa…But at least she got something to start with right? She worries me since we’re not getting younger – thus more responsibility & commitment coming up. If she couldn’t handle her single self – imagine a family of her own?
I might be known to be stingy/tightwad/cheapskate or whatever but the thing is when family members or friends want to borrow money they can always ask from me – doesn’t matter whether it’s middle of the month, or belum gaji punya business. (mcm masuk bakul angkat sendiri nih!)
My bro kutuked me again & again – Dulu…kamera ni je kau beli..koman2 belilah digital ke….La ni, hp ada kamera tak? Aih..takkan lah penxxxxxx pun pakai hp kok-kak je?
My SIL – kenalah beli kain baju lawa2 sikit…(commenting upon my so-called ‘cheap’ (for her) material for kurung)
But when it come to what’s matter like contributing towards mak’s TKR operation – I single-handedly paid 60% while some couldn’t be bother asking, some came up with lame excuses…like sumbangan seorang anak terhadap mak tak bolehlah diukur….but this is OUR mom that we're talking about & I should have feel ashamed having to ask her to pay part of the cost involved which she eventually did…
As a bad economist (ahem!), I never took part in the money making business (there's plenty of opportunity). I just save and save (and took out the interest coz harammm!)…
I remember the time where I have only a few pennies in my pockets.. a long days waiting for the allowance to be in…in a dreary old London – never want to repeat the same experience again! I never go hungry but having money in my name make me feel better and more secure. No doubt of course, I believe in Allah. And He ask us to berusaha first right? Then only tawakal…
I better not spent but have the money saved for contingencies.
As a child, I think I’m the least expensive among my siblings. I started getting the BKP II (Biasiswa Kecil Persekutuan) since Form One in a full-boarding school, then scholarship for A-Level right through first degree till now. In between periods of studying, I worked to earn some pocket money. My parents never had to spend much money on my education save the occasional duit belanja (RM10 per visit once a month was considered a big amount at that time) and extra fee for special exams.
I remember my tabung buluh (the best part time belah utk masukkan duit ke bank). Then continued with tabung Maybank/Tabung Haji.
I remember hoarding my 50cent under the pillow on my bed (safest since shared with my parents at that time – Er…must be tido mati coz I didn’t remember ‘anything’ else… Heheheh).
I remember my father saving money in bank account for each of us the younger kids for our future education at time when there is no mention of PTPN yet, or education insurance.
I remember taking out the money when I was making preparation to pursue my study in London; and my sister in Cairo.
Salute Ayah! He saw the future earlier than time.
My only regret to this days, I should have start buying a place of my own ages ago (5 year to be exact) instead of renting out..& bought that besi buruk…which depreciated in value faster than the (none-)appreciation of my income (forget bonuses!!!). Going to do that first thing when I get to put down my roots. As of now, trying to save as much as possible to put as downpayment for that first apartment!
I have a fren who is much better than me. She started from as young as she remember (very very young indeed) that she is going to accumulate in her saving account the same minimum amount of money as her age, e.g. if she’s 28 now she might as well be having at least RM28k in her name! She really works on it…at 24 of age, she had more than RM30k (or was it more?) and I’m impressed!
English or no English?
He got 7.5 for IELTS. Considering the fact that my English is lousier than him, oh Mr_Perfectly_Fluent_in_English & that I came from kampong & I still make silly mistakes from time to time like he/she business, past/present tenses etc. (much to the chagrin of my sup) – we are even!! He corrected my mistakes in public in such a way that make me feel so small indeed…
But I digress…
Dilemma Numero Tres: To speak or not to speak? (To be Melayu or Non-Malay?)
After reading everything from the newspapers’ reports to blogs&comments/forums on ‘the acceptance speech’ – I’m baffle more than ever!
Accent – pick up along the way from lessons in school (minimal on pronunciation), tv programmes (American movies & series mostly), short jaunt obersi & radio. So that explained the weird combination of American, British (cockney vs Queen’s) & Manglish.
Looking down on others? – Do you know how difficult is life of a 13 year old kampong girl being surrounded by confidence-looking & English-speaking new friends 24/7? Of what it did to your own confidence? It’s a matter of surviving & blending in..
Work environment – Seniority
Abang/Encik/Kakak/Puan too familiar, too mouthful plus very unpractical
I-You, You-I – Saya/Engkau/Kau/Kamu/Awak – 2 phrases vs 2 letters/words
Some people are so lucky - they're well versed in both English and Malay & can simply switch it on/off anytime anywhere. But I'm not that lucky! My BM is tahap dulu2 & my BI pun gitu2 je..
So, it's kind of disheartening when you try to use English after much translating (coz you still think in BM but you wanna learn anyway to improve your career prospect) but people make remarks like you're showing off, they say things like"kita tak pandai macam awak tu..." (kinda reverse psychology), pergi NY sehari tapi balik slang hebat, dan macam2 lagilah...
At the same time, your boss is saying, " I susah nak paham lah kalau you tulis BM...I tak boleh nak tolong you nanti..."
The instituition that you're in is like saying, "...adalah menjadi dasar penubuhan kami untuk memartabatkan...."
Your 'sponsor' is saying...Kami tak kisah....apa2pun boleh. (But they couldn't give you the letter to strongly support you application to write in English)
So, how la???
BTW, no need to tell me the argument about how the Japanese can progress by leaps and bounds without resorting to the use of English. Or Malaysia BOLEH.
Time is running out & I've still got the translating to do...on top of other things!!
Waaah, banyak kekabu mak? Nak buek apo?
Eh, simpan untuk orang baghu dtg lah…
Org baghu?
(rad: Ish, org baghu mano lak ni? Adakah utk 2 org anak buah yg bakal kuar tak lamo laie? Jeng3x!)
But she was looking at me and smiling….heheheh
Oh tidak……(Malu den)
Sapa nama dia kak? Merah…
Ada bapa ekor suma kucing kak?
Dulu kita ada 4…sekor tu tak balik2, satu lagi tu dah mati dlm sangkar….
K.Axx kata mama kakak ada langgar sekor eh?
Apo pulak sekor? Duo lah!! (sampuk Bro #3)
Wowww!!! We looked at each other & bursting LOL (this is the same person who kept on driving with punctured tyre till rosak the iron ream!)
Kah3x! Hebat tu…
(Follow-up with email attachment later…siap ada gambo ngko!!!)
Advertorial: Don’t know where to put up your cats during the holidays? They deserved the best care in the world. Spesel Raya boarding RM15 per day inclusive of meals. (Kisah benar ini...)
Banyak tanah kamu Axx? Sudah tambah?
Udah…udah lamo ditanam kelapo sawit! 70 btg ajo…
Esok2 udah mendatangkan hasil…
Ladang kelapo kamu dulu tu Axx?
Itu kito bagi samo omak hasilnyo…
Tanah tongah murah Maksu….itu hari ado tanah luas cumo 24 juta rupiah..
Berapa ringgit tu?
Kiro2 RM13 ribu ajo Maksu… tapi sayang duit Axx tak cukup maso itu…
Bila kamu mau kawin Axx? Takde boyfren?
Ish…tak maulah Maksu..kito baco mcm2 cerito…
Kamu pulang raya ini?...
Eeii, bestnya dapek makan rondang… (Hint2x!)
Eh, pejadah eh k.Cx makan- Sudah tu muntah balik – pengabih bogheh yo…
Faiz, Abang ada gelpren tak?
Abis tu Faiz ada tengok gamba tak?
Takkk..tapi dia bagi abang hadiah..
Hadiah apa?
Bantal peluk!!
Kakak pulak Faiz?
Ntah, dia selalu sms je…siang malam tak renti2! Dulu boipren dia…..
Faiz ada gelpren?
Dulu ada – tapi bila kita pindah, dia pun pindah…(muka sedeyyy..)
Kesian Faiz ye…
Kamal, agak2 awek Kamal tu buat apa ye cuti2 ni?
Dia balik kampong jugak ke?
Tak…dia duk ghumah je
Eh, sape nama awek Kamal tu? Maksu lupalah…
Apa? Ikin? (mumbled)
Syikin? (louder)
Oh, Hasyikin… (member dah ‘hot’ le tu..)
Kamal selalu pergi kantin dgn dia eh?...
Tuition apa? Ye lah ni?
Fadhli, jgn nak pergi dating pulak…abis tuition terus balik rumah tau!
K.Lxxx, kita kena call utk check mlm kang nih!
Pokok langsuir ni tpt sarang pelesit ni. Kak kena buang mlm ni jugak…
Mengikut laporan, setelah dibuang barulah boleh tido dgn aman…(kata tuan rumah)
NB: Names have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Similarity with another dead or alive person is much regretted.
The players involved:
A 7-year old, 10-year old, SPM-going, 2nd year degree in uni, longtime domestic helper/ maid from Medan/Padang, superstitious SIL especially regarding her madu, next year SPM but so far never pass Add Math test previously from agama school boy, pregnant & warded due to muntah2 even in the final trimester sister...
Err..you want more?
Kau kentot eh?
Eh, mana de la k.Lxxx ni…
Abih tu bunyi apa?
Ntah…(honestly- not me!)
Apa pesen kau potong rambut mcm lelaki ni? Kah3x! Heli meh tengok rambut Maksu!
Heyy..tensen belaja la….(in defence)
Maksu hensem apa bila letak minyak sikit…(Omar Din)
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