Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I don't believe in defeat!

Repeat after me:

“On no soul do We place a burden greater than it can bear.
Before Us is a record which clearly shows the truth.
They will never be wronged.” 23:62 (Al-Mu’minun)

I’m fortunate.
I’m already as far down as I can get.
There’s no further down that I can go.
There’s only one direction I can take & that is UP!

There is no such situation in which nobody has never been before.

I believe Allah will always make a way where there is no way. With Allah, all things are possible.

There’s no difficulty you cannot overcome.
Get through it. Go around it. Get under it. Go over it. Plow right through it. Stand up & do something about it!

Jangan bersedih! Kerana penyakit yang anda deritai akan hilang, cubaan akan pergi, dosa akan diampuni, hutang akan dibayar, orang yang terpenjara akan dibebaskan, orang yang hilang akan kembali, orang yang melakukan kemaksiatan akan bertaubat, dan orang yang fakir akan menjadi kaya!

Jangan bersedih! Kerana anda masih dapat meneguk air yang jernih, dapat menghirup udara yang segar, dapat berjalan di atas kedua kaki yang sihat, dan anda juga masih dapat tidur dengan nyenyak pada malam hari.

Jangan bersedih! Kerana itu akan mendorong anda untuk menghentikan putaran roda zaman, menyelubungi matahari agar tidak terbit, memutar jarum jam kembali ke masa lalu, berjalan ke belakang, dan mengembalikan aliran sungai ke sumbernya semula!
Jangan bersedih! Kerana

Jangan bersedih! Kerana qadha’ telah ditetapkan, sesuatu yang ditakdirkan telah terjadi, pena-pena telah mengering, lembaran-lembaran catatan ketentuan telah dilipat, dan setiap perkara telah ditetapkan! Betapapun, kesedihan anda tidak dapat mendahulukan atau menta’khirkan kenyataan yang terjadi, dan tidak juga mampu menambahkan atau mengurangi apa yang telah ditetapkan.

Jangan bersedih! Kerana anda masih memiliki doa, anda boleh bersimpuh di hadapan pintu-pintu Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa!

Source: The Holy Quran, La Tahzan -Jangan Bersedih, & The Power of Positive Thinking.
Currently, what I'm feeling is 'very difficult to swallow' –like a big lump stuck on my throat.
I thought I'm almost done, reaching the end of the tunnel -alas to be told that the game has only started!

Sometimes I wonder - WHY? why me?


Darling said...

baca ur n3 mengingatkan i pada buku "jangan bersedih" yang tak habis2 i baca. (baru 2-3 pages je pun)

setiap yang berlaku memang ada hikmah, dan ada sebab kenapa kita dipilih. i do believe that too but kalau selalu sangat diuji, sooner or later, semangat untuk bertahan/bersabar akan perlahan2 hilang.

be strong dear (uiceh pandai je aku ni nasihatkan orang)

ps: i tought u r happy rite now? n3 yg sebelum2 ni u kata dah happy rite? haaaa u still owe me about that :P

simah said...

am guessing... it cant be that bad?

Lee said...

Hi Rad, hey! Look at the tree, not the forest. The sun will always come out tomorrow.
And smile...whatever it is, you are young, pretty and the world is at your feet.
Keeo well Rad. UL.

J.T. said...

It may have started again but you will get through it.

“Many of the great achievements of the world were accomplished by tired and discouraged men who kept on working.”

You can do it. Chin up, dear. :)

D said...

Remember I told you some time ago, that I'm waaaaaayy behind you? If you surrender, then I'll surrender too... (errr, where's the white flag? have you got yours ready?)

dlt said...

hey rad! jangan mengalah dulu. anggaplah ianya sebagai dugaan Yang Maha Esa. I know u can overcome all the obstacles. U go girl!
Eh! btw, I've tagged u. hehe!

Anonymous said...

meghato blog acik jongah jumpo pulak blog budak monceh ni. Elok bona la nieh. Monceh kek mano Jang? Oke lah . Kau mentain la blog kau ni elok2 tulih la yang sonugheh2 sikit bia oghang lain pun dapek paedah eh.

rad said...

Mmg tgh baca buku Jgn Bersedih pun tp mcm you gak - tak abis2! The funny thing is the book that I borrowed from a prof is the one that me & friend gave to him for his birthday -she selected the gift lah.

Eh, sape kata I tak happy right now? I'm happy la...really happy tau (sarcastic je bunyinya). But I'll be happier once this 'beban yg sentiasa digalas' dah boleh diletak ke tepi. I feel that there's more to life than just a mere thesis....

rad said...

That bad? Ntahlah...but lemme share with you my sms reply to a concern friend: it's like taking every step forward only to be told to step backwards doubl or triple times...I thot I'm almost ready for submission but it seems that they've different ideas - I'm still proposing objectives & contributions! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

rad said...

Thanks you your kind words. Thank God, I'm still young (relative ok)...heheheh...and strong and resilient and made of sterner stuff and blahblah...
But I'm still a cry baby though so after all the tears that I shed what's left for me to do? Chin up & smile - let the worst happen but I'll fight to the end!! (wow, so melodramatic-me)

rad said...

Yes, chin up. Everything happened for a reason, i believe that.
I'm working on my data again (starting from step one with new data set) but somehow everything become much easier than before & I've had help/suggestion come from unsuspected sources. It might take me longer than others but I'll get there...

rad said...

What white flag? Tak mainlah benda tu semua...(chewah! Lani ckp besar tapi aritu mmg nak kibar dah).

Thanks to all the support that I've received, I'm back in action! The problem won't simply go away but I'm making myself to push them harder (eh, macam terbalik lak bidang kerja), be more aggresive & proactive!! Need to anticipate their conflicting 'needs' & go about reconcile everything.

rad said...

Thx. Ingat citer p.ramlee...ini semua dugaaaaaannnnnn....

Tagged done wlu lewat. Not much time to bloghopping as before. Not in the mood (not due to pms )pun.

rad said...

La oghang kampong eden sampai sini ghupo eh...MasyaAllah. Bobosa ati den. Payah nak jumpo org kpg ni - poie mano2 klu sobut kpg laman mesti takdo yg tau/ kona punyolah.
Moncheh kek mano tu sobona eh ado den 'hint' kek URL ateh nun...cubo toko la yo...
Nak kato berpekdah pado masyarakat tu melampau la pulak tp pekdah pado diri den sendighi ado la...
Eh, bagilah tau ghumah blog kek mano? Boleh buek kunjungan baleh kato oghang...