Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Mari Belajar Memandu/ Naik Motor

Jika anda memandu di highway, sila ikut laluan kiri jika tidak memotong.
Jika anda sampai di bulatan, (bagi signal dan) sila ikut laluan paling kanan atau tengah untuk ke ‘pukul 12 atau pukul 3’!
Itupun tak tau ke?
Sudahnya, nasib baik sempat tekan emergency brake (berdentum barang2 atas seat jatuh)! Huh, lady-driver/biker!
Alkisahnya dari jauh sebelum sampai di bulatan (3 lanes) itu, saya (already slowing & maintain a good distance with the bike in front) telah pun pandang kanan – all clear, i.e. tiada kenderaan yang signal untuk susur keluar (more like 8 o’clock) so I’m SURE it was my right of way (BTW, I don’t make a habit of susur/redah tanpa pandang/jeling kanan & depan). Budak2 pompuan atas motor tu yang terkedepan & berhenti di lane paling kiri coz tak sempat masuk utk ke pukul 12 & lambat bagi signal! Pastu, selamba je & takde rasa bersalah langsung.
I’ve to admit I’m slow at honking but – boy, they got what they deserved! All the non-silent B-words. (Me –no good)

Ok, why am I so MAD (still)? What if I’m slow at making judgement in terms of braking or accidentally accelerate (after following the news (at 4am) on that rookie chap – I was feeling so good! Poor Alonso. Poor Kubica. What happen Massa? I disgress…)? Tak sayang nyawa ke?
Oh, breaking news –sort of. I’m ‘meeting’ my other two very the very busy ‘boyfriends’ (since I’m ‘in love’ with my dissertation la kan; along with my main advisor) this Thursday. If everything goes on well, it’s another step forward. Wish me luck. (Nah, not viva yet, submission pun belum – camna nak viva ye tak?)


D said...

HaHaHa... Maybe you should introduce your 'boyfriends' to us in more detail. Super funny! But they're the ones who you bring to sleep, dream of (+ nightmares), and can't stop thinking of, eh?? LOL. Come on gurl, go go!!

ps: I have a junior you know? Tell me about him/her!

J.T. said...

Oh dear... I definitely don't miss traffic situations over there. I get nervous on the road everytime I am back on holiday. The bikes scare me. They zoom in and out of traffic and appear out of nowhere at stops and roundabouts.

All the best with your 'meeting' this Thursday. :)

Unknown said...

Rad...best wishes with ur presentation!

NANTI DAH vIVA - Kita celerate pulut kuning ye...:)


Lee said...

Hi Rad, love to hear your 'boyfriend cherita'.
Ta'lama lagi boleh drive BMW, huh? Keep well, Rad. UL.

rad said...

My 'boiprens' turn out to be a disappointment - No-no, more like a real pain in the a**!! Couldn't even think of them without feeling hot & blue! What a mixed feeling I've..couldn't even put it in words.

Re: junior - are you ex-SMAWP labu? I dunno exactly how & why lah but she's the one who mentioned/asked about you - head over to look_again dot blogspot, there's a blurry pic & her name too.

rad said...

jt,idham & UL
Thanks for the wishes.
Forget about zooming in or out of the programme - am stuck for another 6 months at least!
No pulut kuning, no beemer.*sigh*
It's gonna be me & my dear darling dissertation - more & more! (honestly, I'm SICK of it!)