What's on offer: $$$ (standard rate) for 3-hour per week teaching for 10 consecutive weeks (starting this week).
1. I've done it before - it's the same subject for the same course - just different batch of student.
2. I've prepared (still have) the syllabus material & detailed content-wise too.
3. The $$$ is definitely much better than the 2-hour per week tuition rate for school kids.
4. I know the Head - no comment for previous batch except - Be more lenient this time around...
5. Convenient location, flexible schedule (meaning up to me mostly & room availability).
6. Get to meet other faces (very important considering the fact that I'm having a very exclusive relationship with my pc/laptop on 24/7 basis - Ergh!).
1. My first & foremost responsibility is of course (& still is) my thesis (of which I'm stuck with the incomprehensible results right now).
2. I'm not that desperate yet money-wise but really need to submit the thesis this semester (but things are not moving along so as we speak).
3. Am I going to be distracted? I hope not, insyaAllah.
4. Marking assignments, tests & exam papers - but no essays questions - I can make it multiple choice &/@ data response.
5. My semester is packed really short - so as theirs.
6. Can I do it?? Have I lost the touch (Ergh!)?
u know what? i think this can be a good distraction (in a good way)... perhaps the 24/7 relationship with the laptop is not so good to u... u know ur priority is (thesis)...of course, tuan punya badan pasti paling tau whether to take this or not..
good luck with everything
Whenever in doubt, always seek His guidance through the Istikharah, regardless what... That's what I believe.
Personal opinion: only venture into it if it is TOTALLY necessary because it involves more than 3 hours - the journey to and fro, paperwork, preparation (although you have the basis, there's always room for some more prep), the mental & physical exhaustion after the class/lecture, etc... Good luck gurl!
Hi Rad, you mentioned you still okay with money, no need hold empty tin outside Central market, ha ha, just kidding, thus I suggest you concentrate on your studies.
Why load your brains with teaching and its headaches?
There's always time for that.
Get your thesis over, secure a distinction and the highway to your fruitful future is assured.
Best regards always, UL.
Do what you feel is right. In fact, you already know your answer. Listing out the pros and cons help but most of the time, you can judge from how you feel in the first instance. That is a guide. It is when we start processing if we should or not, that is when the list comes out. :)
Don't worry, you will make a good decision.
P.S. On a totally different topic, I finally did the Music Shuffle tag. I used a different version, though. :)
simah, d, UL and j.t.,
Thank you2x. (Malays have this habits of repeating words unnecessarily to get their point across like "ribuan/jutaan terima kasih").
Yes -hanya yang empunya badan je yang lebih mengetahui aka berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu yang memikul bebannya -relevan tak?
Yes - to istikharah. No to mental fatigue - I'm actually looking forward to lecture again. Er, will get back to you on this later...;)
I'm not that close to begging yet but believe me - I'll never spend my hard-earned money freely ever again! And I also realized I'm quite high-maintenance. And the law of 'besar periuk, besarlah jugak keraknya' does applicable here.
I can (already) make my own decision but desired for validation from others (traits of being the youngest in the family). I really appreciated all the advices.
BTW - I'll go 'n check out your brand of musics next!
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