Friday, July 20, 2007

How many Accounting tutor and Economics fellow/lecturer (all females) do it takes to change a light bulb?

Psst!! Look at what I've googled - (I always have this slower-working-&no-good-mood on Friday noon & will pay it full price on Monday for sure!)

Keyword search: how to change a light bulb

Results page (among others):
So you can navigate the World Wide Web but you still don't know how to screw in a lightbulb? Follow these directions and let there be light. (6 steps given)

The Ladybird Book of Lightbulb Jokes, Edited by Gyles Brandreth

10 steps given - include going to the shop to buy another light bulb.

..the subject of light bulb changing cardinality.

This is not your average how-to-change-a-light-bulb article. You can discover more than you bargained for in choosing to read here...

And best of all:
Q: How many Chicago School economists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. If the light bulb needed changing the market would have already done it. (Adam (ahem! my father ye) Smith’s Invisible Hands you see)

Q: How many mainstream economists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Two. One to assume the existence of ladder and one to change the bulb.

Q: How many neo-classical economists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: It depends on the wage rate. (Ada wang semua boleh jadi)

Q: How many conservative economists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. The darkness will cause the light bulb to change by itself.

Q: How many B-school doctoral students does it take to change a light bulb?
A: I'm writing my dissertation on that topic; I should have an answer for you in about five years. (Ouch!!)

Q: How many Keynesian economists do it takes to change a light bulb?
A: All. Because then you will generate employment, more consumption, dislocating the aggregate demand to the right.

Q: How many Marxists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: None - the bulb contains within it the seeds of its own revolution.

Q: How many economists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Seven plus or minus ten.

Q: How many economists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Irrelevant - the light bulb's preferences are to be taken as given. (Consumers’ Revealed Preference theory nih)

Q: How many economists does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Eight. One to screw it in and seven to hold everything else constant.
Given 1000 economists, there will be 10 theoretical economists with different theories on how to change the light bulb and 990 empirical economists laboring to determine which theory is the *correct* one, and everyone will still be in the dark.

An aside:
Q: What does an economist do?
A: A lot in the short run, which amount to nothing in the long run.

Two economists meet on the street.
One inquires, "How's your wife?"
The other responds, "Relative to what?"

Now, do I hear ‘How many bloggers do it takes to change….’ playing on your mind? So, what’s your takes on this?
I was talking to my old(er) & male ‘colleagues’. We’re discussing about taking a prof into our 'consideration' regarding the situation on hand (long story- don’t let me start on that one). Towards the end, he said, “…I’ve her number. She can always call me whenever she feels lonely!” Hey! I was dumbfounded. Juz b’coz a female person is recently widowed or divorced, it doesn’t mean that she’s easy prey. It is really a rude thing to say. And the other guy just laughed. But it was no joking matter!
Alice told me that S-Wan is getting married soon. Good for her. The thing is The Wedding Plan is going to be affected since the groom-to-be’s parents refused to attend the tea-drinking ceremony, which is quite significant traditionally. C’mon, juz b’coz she’s 3-yr older than him? It’s ok for Nazrin-Zara, M-Douglas&CZ-Jones, CT&Dato’K but not vice versa? The only extreme exception that I can think of are D-Moore&A-Kutcher, not so obvious E-Longoria&that-b/ball-player, and Madonna& her British-director-hubby. But hey, what about Osama’s son’s latest wife huh?

Back to our friend. they’ve known each other for quite a while (used to work together). Now, they’re staying far apart (like North & South) since the guy is going back to join the family business. It doesn’t sound good to me (read: maybe meddling in-laws). However, I do hope the couple can work things out & really have a happy marriage (not just the wedding).
That also remind me of Vic. She had recently registered her marriage Down Under after a long wait for her parents’ approval (still not yet granted). She really wants to have a temple wedding but then….Of course, we understand that any parents would want the best spouse/partner for their kids but life isn’t going to be picture perfect or as you wished it to be. You’ve to give or take a few.
My version of 'how to change a light bulb':
First, always check the starter – adjust by twisting motions. And switch on and off again.
Then, check the bulb (which one ni? fluorescent lamps vs incandescent light bulbs i.e. those with soft yellow-white light) – take out and replace if it’s burnt out.
Next, if it still doesn’t work, unscrew the middle part of the light fixture to open it. Using tester pen, check the in- & outflow of current. Unscrew and change the parts accordingly. See attached pic.

What is needed? Screw driver, tester pen, replacement items, & a ladder of course!

Short cut: A manly alpha D-I-Y male is always welcome in any household.

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