..decided to quit from the programme. I have to admit that the thought of doing the same thing did cross my mind if not for the amount of loan to pay back and I’m never a quitter anyway. Not that I’m saying she is - but her circumstance is way much different from me. She’s getting married soon-yeay!!!
..cried on his birthday because his family forget about it. Months preceding his birthday, he was told about the coming big day and reminded time and again as it became nearer. A week before the date, his mother was hospitalized. In the week-long chaos, the day eventually arrived. It was almost noon before the elder sister remembered everything. So, the bedridden mother called him to sit nearer and asked whether he knew what day it was. He don’t know the exact date of that day but he knew…and there were tear drops falling.
..had to make an uneasy decision to permanently stop having more kids. The previous pregnancy wasn’t easy at all. She had to take an injection on a daily basis through out the semesters due to her blood condition. Both she and the baby were at very high risk. The husband is very understanding but they were surrounded by people who put much emphasized on the number of kids you have –for the ummah.
.. is rude to her own mother. However busy you are, it was never an excuse. Your mother being a guest under your roof – tetamu datang bawa rezeki – so that’s double the blessing! Imagine, a mother decided one day that she’s tired, not in the mood and no mothering to the kids for just a day? It was blasphemous.
“Tak ada dosa atau salahnya seorang ibu kepada anaknya, melainkan dosa dan salahnya kepada Allah semata-mata. Dan anak tak berhak untuk memaksa ibu meminta ampun padanya…
Sementara ibu masih hidup, itulah rahmat yang paling besar. Kerana dalam kesedaran kita, kita masih mempunyai kesempatan untuk berbakti…ya berbakti, bukan membalas budi. Seperti air yang mengalir di sungai, seribu tahun alirannya pun tak mungkin dapat melunaskan budi ibu kepada kita.” Diari Hari, Abd. Talib Hassan.
..still hasn’t received her salary for the previous month (as of 22nd). The thing is she has been promised earlier in the month that the salary will be in next week…and next week…and next week. Is she supposed to be loyal? Should she starts looking for another job? I would understand if the boss were to sit down and explain the delay to the staff & what to expect next but to keep on saying promises that you won’t keep? Talk about cash-flow management!
…has this problem of bed-wetting at night. No, neither she’s a kid nor old enough to has incontinence. But it was severe enough such that eventually she’s divorced from her husband. It was a difficult situation since she and her husband previously stayed together with his parents. She needs to get help…
…who (s/he is a dog actually) is stranded on campus (gated community). First time I noticed him/her, s/he was running around on all four legs. Now, s/he has a broken, dangling leg. I wonder whether s/he gets enough food…and I’m scared of dogs even if s/he just lay down helplessly around the parking lot late in the evening.
Dear readers (chewah),
I won't be posting and bloghopping as much as I want too ... Not that I'm busy (which is true but so does everyone else) or not in the mood (pls don't blamed the PMS- so cliche) or in need of a hiatus (summer break like jt) - it's just a normal 'real business cycle'. We have that in economics for 'things' like inflation etc. and in politics too (take note of before and after an election). So, instead of having an upswing stage, let's just say that I'm going through a recession time (read: temporary decline)...
Hey Rad
I know how you feel... it is a temporary decline. I will get back regular stories and adventures as soon as other things in my life get settled. :)
Your second last story about bed-wetting is sad. Sounds like she is having psychological problems (if not physical). She definitely needs help. Poor thing.
wouldnt it be simpler if u can just HYPNOTİZE that 3 people into doing what U want todo n not what THEY want to do eh?...
can just imagine that round thingy moving for hypnotising...
or the old malay black magic way.. main jampi heheheheh
take care! recession u may be in but u know we all love u n wait eagerly for u to say..
*GOOD rİDdANnCE!* *hugs*..
Er, I've a confession - and you must never tell other people ok?- the story strike a chord with me since I had the same problem in lower secondary school. My family didn't know about it since it happened only at hostel bed not at home (perhaps the trauma of being away from home?). Somehow I survived the difficult experience but to this day (no more occurence of that lah) I've always feel insecure, so shy and doubts abt myself - some more with people that I know from long ago. Should I see a psycho?
BTW, hope you already got things settled (whatever they are but I'm so curious like busy bee!).
If hypnotize works for my current problems, surely it works for my childhood/teenage years like above eh?
Takutnya, belum sempat I mula-depa dah jauh coz konon2 takut I jampi serapah i.e guna2 depa!
(Satni nak pi tengok citer p.ramlee - kan ada part jampi mentera tuh?)
Even nowadays, lab people dah lari when ever they saw me coz byk2 sangat hal - pc hang lah, programme expired lah, blahblah. Heheheh...
Re: "...know we all love u n wait eagerly for u to say..
*GOOD rİDdANnCE!* *hugs*.. "
How I appreciate that! I won't get that kind of support from my family much more from my committee members or colleagues. Guess that's why I keep on blogging!
You know what? I can almost feel you hugging me- spreading warmth feelings....(pls - no lesbo thots here ah!) Terima kaseeeyyyyy!!
temporary decline? I think you have been writing more like me, babe!! I'm also taking a slower pace right now. So many things to tick off my list as one year is almost over.
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