Thursday, July 05, 2007

Short Hop

I really have to share this. This is an example of what happen when I open my big mouth again.

Just now, I was in the lift with a (unknown to me) faculty member. All I've heard is that he was operated for brain tumor years ago- almost a touch 'n go! So, he becomes a 'real Muslim' (not like very secular majority (of us) who separate work/academic versus religion) who are concern about spreading the love of Islam.

My next-cubicle neighbour is a Christian. She's a Batak-Karo from Medan. Honestly, she looks no different from any other Malay girl out there. Most of the time, she would be mistaken as one -like during Ramadhan, she had a hard time going to the cafe (for lunch) since people including the staffs would be giving her a strange look.

She mentioned to me that the faculty guy had actually gave her a pamphlet on 'menutup aurat'. This was aside from him giving salam (he did that to everybody including me) whenever their path crosses each other. She's kinda scared that she's being targeted. I told her in a few occasion, "You need to tell people that you're not a Muslim." I even joked, "Perhaps you can wear a tag/sign ke..."

Just now - I occured to me that I've the perfect opportunity to tell him about her being a non-Muslim; my way of explaining why she doesn't cover her hair. So I did...

And he said, "Takpe, kalau gitu bagi ni kat dia.." So, now I'm in a dilemma since I've in my hand a couple of short books on Islam-Christianity to be given to her. Lucky that she's not around. Coz I don't know how to go about this...As a Muslim, it's also my duty to preach about Islam and the books are an amanah from him. But I know for sure that she holds strongly to her belief - weekly church services, Bible studies, etc. And I'm not sure where the line for religious tolerance is drawn...
BTW, I miss my digicam - someone offered me 20bucks a day for renting it out. I'm not sure what's the effective going rate for camera rental out there but the money will be much appreciated...I asked around, some said it's too much (cekik darah ke?) and some said (kau bagi pinjam? mana cukup tu!). It has been more than a sight of it & him.


J.T. said...


If she is open, then she may not mind it but if she is very staunch in her beliefs, she may not take too kindly to it.
Many people have different degrees of tolerance when it comes to religion and it has never been a comfortable subject throughout the centuries, much like politics. :)
So, only you will know what to do because you know her.

D said...

let's see, the guy who borrowed your digicam - is he someone you're close to / know very well? Any insurance? What happens if it goes kaput when it comes back? Did you discuss that? Any deposit? Sorry I sound like an insurance agent now.. LOL

rad said...

When she's back in here next month I'll tell her the 'story' & leave it for her to pressure at all! I hold on to this, "Untukku agamaku & untukmu agamamu."

rad said...

He'd already borrowed it once - it was on 'quid pro quo' basis. There's also another friend who had borrowed it for a day. I've difficulty in saying NO to people.
I don't mind lending it out sesekali but suka2 dia pulak bila nak pulang...what if suddenly I need to use the camera? So, next time - I'm to put the onus on the borrower to write the loan contract clearly.