P/s: Walau pun ada isu berkaitan muka seseorang yang terlebih tonjol berbanding DYMM Yang Di Pertuan Agong selaku Supreme Ruler of Malaysia, dalam konteks gambar di atas, kesalahan adalah terletak di bahu perekabentuk banner/pemidang.
Alahai... Che' Det kelihatan sungguh hensem (muda rumaja)!
Salam Rad..
Che Det tu memang awet muda...Tapi.. kesian la Tunku Abd. Rahman dok kebelakang tersorok.... tak sepatutnya.... layout tak kena tu...
Hi Rad, re your first picture of all the PM's, I experienced the first PM till Dr M. Present one, know nothing about, ohh but did read in the papers he recently married his sister-in-law??? HUH?
I have hanging in my living room several photos of Dr M and me walking in the morning sun and chatting. It was taken by a Straits Times photographer.
He had visited a project I was involved in and chatted with me for about half hour. Another photo was with Him, Datuk Najib and several other VIPS...and me kelang kabote, ha ha.
You know, I must tell you this experience.
I was supposed to meet his majesty the Sultan at a worksite project, and ealier I was instructed by one of the protocol officers how to address HIM, and before turning away, gostan back three feet, then turn, to put hands together say, "ampon Tuanku" etc.
However, I really panic when the Queen and several VIP ladies came towards me.
And there I was, kelang kabote was not the word, but my legs like John Travolta in Saturday Nite fever, ha ha. That officer did not tell me how to address her majesty. What and how to address her Majesty? As she came nearer, I could have died.
And to add the capital letters to Kelang kabote, his majesty was next to me. Alamak! And we were surrounded by other VIPs, bodyguards, etc.
Then use my otak, baik pun otak ada overtime then, I chepat address her as "your majesty", in English. Later lupah I said, "your Highness". She smiled.
The protocol officer had enquired about my Bahasa Malay, I told him 'boleh pass", ha ha.
BUT! When I address his Majesty and his consort, they replied in English. Oxford English too, mind you. Ha ha.
Rad, that morning I lost 3 pounds in sweat, ha ha.
There is a photo (enlarged) of the sultan, his consort and poor me standing there in panic stage, ha ha.
My living room has pics of PM and me, sultan, queen and me.
Not bad, huh!
I had some overseas Malay friends (a Datuk) visit us here and he asked on seeing the photos, "Lee..itu you ke"? Ha ha.
You have a nice day Rad.
Regret I cannot divulge the above location and year. UL.
Ps, that occasion was filmed on TV, and I had several calls from relatives and friends when they saw me in evening news, ha ha. It was, "hey Lee, there's someone who looks like you with PM". Ha ha. Wa, my friends see me no eye, la. Ha ha.
I almost visited Che' Det yesterday - I was already in front of IJN. Lucky that I remember that only close family members are allowed. hehehehe. So, I just hopped over to the opposite side of the road - Pusrawi to visit my Prof! She'd her cysts & fibroids taken out after sudden & profuse bleeding recently. Just a reminder that we need to take better care of our bodies nowadays right? My prayers go to Che' Det, the prof and all the other patients on both IJN & Pusrawi.
You should have read other rumours that's circulating on the net - there's even possibility (at one time) of b*gamy? No, not poligamy lah. Of course, you won't find in in our vernacular newspapers. Nowadays, I've learn to read the news in-between-the-lines as in the Malays saying - kalau tiada angin, masakan pokok bergoyang?
And thank you very much for sharing your experience regarding the King & Queen with us -me in particular! Wah! You've met Tun M in person too. The closest that I got to see Tun M was during a conference in Pan Pacific - I don't want to simply shake hand so I kept my distance.
Tun M with Najib in attendance - that must be in late 90s already?
Eh, how come you became 'kelang kabote' when it comes to meeting those dignitaries? You, UL -you're the most cool gentleman when it comes to dealing with ladies? Heheheheh.
If we ever meet someday, I want to see that pictures hall of yours!
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