Voice message:
“…Rad-, M*nsor here.” (For a split second, I was like, “Boipren mano pulak ni?”)
Hehehe…bukan perasan lah. Usually when any of my sifus called me (nowadays everybody sms each other – convenient & safe cost mah..) they’ll introduced themselves along the line of ‘Dr NG/ Dr NAK /Dr A di sini/here’ (even if they’ve full right of a professorship). What I really wanna say is that this prof is a very humble & down to earth person wlu memegang jawatan tinggi. Sungguhpun dia mempunyai gelak sedikit ala orang kaya ‘Heh-heh’, we all love him very much. A particular fren of mine (UA – peminat setia, innocent ok) sure jeles punya klu dia tau ni! Sorry la Prof, I accidently left behind my pen-drive in your room.
Family Protocol
A senior person was ‘hurting’ when a much younger person only smsed her to inform the whereabout of the family members “Dah xboleh cakap lagi dah?” Seems like normal procedure has to be followed at all times, i.e. angkat sembah dulu before making a proper phone call. Can no longer pass along the info through the kids je.
On the same day, the Convention of the Younger Siblings concurred that somebody was trying to be a hero –regarding the previous widely circulated sms on mak. The thing is, you can never work alone. Cooperation of everyone is needed to ensure that mak is happy. And knowing mak, sometimes a listening ear is all that she ever needs. However, we did seriously discussed the matter of sakit lutut mak. The way I see it, she’ll need to have the other knee operated too which is not what she’s willing to face ever again…Yes, I’m no doctor – that’s why you kenot expect me to read & understand your jantung report/graph!
Advices were given freely regarding the matter of life after SPM (x semestinya masuk varsity – stiff competition for places, what if kenot carry through the subjects – given the earlier relatively poor performance, no job guarantee etc.), how to become a professional footballer (stamina musti ada – you missed this selection tp ada byk chance lagi), coming Sepang weekend (all eyes on Hamilton again), why you must score 5As in UPSR , criteria for buying a house when you’ve many siblings (never kawasan berbukit –susah nak pasang khemah kenduri, not face-to-face with other houses – berebut parking, what kind of tiles for kitchen & everywhere, availability of plot of land for bercucuk-tanam, etc.)
“…Rad-, M*nsor here.” (For a split second, I was like, “Boipren mano pulak ni?”)
Hehehe…bukan perasan lah. Usually when any of my sifus called me (nowadays everybody sms each other – convenient & safe cost mah..) they’ll introduced themselves along the line of ‘Dr NG/ Dr NAK /Dr A di sini/here’ (even if they’ve full right of a professorship). What I really wanna say is that this prof is a very humble & down to earth person wlu memegang jawatan tinggi. Sungguhpun dia mempunyai gelak sedikit ala orang kaya ‘Heh-heh’, we all love him very much. A particular fren of mine (UA – peminat setia, innocent ok) sure jeles punya klu dia tau ni! Sorry la Prof, I accidently left behind my pen-drive in your room.
Family Protocol
A senior person was ‘hurting’ when a much younger person only smsed her to inform the whereabout of the family members “Dah xboleh cakap lagi dah?” Seems like normal procedure has to be followed at all times, i.e. angkat sembah dulu before making a proper phone call. Can no longer pass along the info through the kids je.
On the same day, the Convention of the Younger Siblings concurred that somebody was trying to be a hero –regarding the previous widely circulated sms on mak. The thing is, you can never work alone. Cooperation of everyone is needed to ensure that mak is happy. And knowing mak, sometimes a listening ear is all that she ever needs. However, we did seriously discussed the matter of sakit lutut mak. The way I see it, she’ll need to have the other knee operated too which is not what she’s willing to face ever again…Yes, I’m no doctor – that’s why you kenot expect me to read & understand your jantung report/graph!
Advices were given freely regarding the matter of life after SPM (x semestinya masuk varsity – stiff competition for places, what if kenot carry through the subjects – given the earlier relatively poor performance, no job guarantee etc.), how to become a professional footballer (stamina musti ada – you missed this selection tp ada byk chance lagi), coming Sepang weekend (all eyes on Hamilton again), why you must score 5As in UPSR , criteria for buying a house when you’ve many siblings (never kawasan berbukit –susah nak pasang khemah kenduri, not face-to-face with other houses – berebut parking, what kind of tiles for kitchen & everywhere, availability of plot of land for bercucuk-tanam, etc.)
dah agak dah sure u ada kat atas tu, ahkak cari2 jugak. ahkak punya battalion pakai baju rona biru. weh tak tau berarak tu jauh weh, ingatkan pusing bangunan canselori saja.
tipah tertipu u
-ahkak lingkungan ke2
laa memang kocik bona dunio nie. Ekau ngaja kek pasir bosa? acik maghin pun buleh jugak nak dikatokan ngaja kek sanun. 1 bulan ajo ganti cekgu beghanak.
tapi laie lamo pado ekau. taun 90 kok x silap acik. time tu cikgu apotah jadi penyelia potang eh..bin lawang .. apoko namo eh.
Hi Rad, really nice have you visit me. Much ayer has flowed down Sungei Gombak since last saw your callsign.
I love your beautiful pics here, so colourful. And seeing that signboard 'Gemas'...Holy Smoke, it sure brought back memories to me as I used to stop there for coffee or lunch during my working days.
Gemas, Kluang, Segamat...love these small towns.
I remember KTM stops there too. One time I was based in JB and very often passed thru these places.
Couple of weeks back posted a story re one of the above towns, 'another 5 minutes'.
Oh yes, you mentioned about a class for how to be a gentlemen?
Look back two weeks ago my archive, will see, 1/ Bring out the lady in a woman,
2/ "Your place or mine".
How to be a gentleman as well to ahemm, seduce a woman, ha ha.
Nice photos Rad. You keep well and have a good week.
You still in Gemas? UL.
Wakakakah....tu la, apsal ahkak tak tanya saya awal2. Sebagai seorang yang amat berpengalaman (chewah!) dan telah lama bertapa di sini, saya boleh kasi gambaran awal. Hint: tahun depan jgn nak lari naa...(I've done my share hehehe)
It's ok lah - lawa pun baju ahkak...puas ati?
As unofficial photographer (another kembang semangkuk moment) I'd to stay in hiding - malulah nak compete dgn depa2 yg professional semua tu (kawasan lepas fak saya) - lagipun saya kenal sorang abg tu sure jumpa dia akan kata, "eh, ada lagi?" Sakit jiwa daa..
Yo lah, esey mmg ngaja kek sinun - ado lah dlm tigo bulan kot (summer holiday July-Sept '95).
Nampak gayo eh kito ado samo tompek kek lain maso - achik duk kek no dulu tu? Quarters guru ko?
Xingat la pulak sepo namo cikgu-cikgi maso tu...ingat2 lupo sorang cikgu ni sobab samo2 aja Inglish jadi esey tingga an buku 1119 kek dio. dio ni (tuo dah kawin dah) mmg smart la setiap jumaat - pakai b.melayu longkap!
Esey tokonang maso tu buek soklan mano ado pakai komputa sumo ni - typewriter adolah...lopeh tu kono gelek lak laie...apolah dah jadi ngan anak2 murid esey agak eh...ado keep in touch sokojap dgn sorang budak pompuan yo...
bin lawang (macam bin laden lak!) mcm namo sedagho sey yo kek kampung? Isy!
Sorry ok - I've been really bz lately..gotta concentrate & get my priority right! But I miss you so! hehehe
Gemas -that one was a day trip only for the engagement ceremony of my friend's friend. It's been developed to a certain extent(got new MRSM, big army camp etc.) but still an old cowboy town at heart -famous for its rail track crossing! I'll check out the entry that you've mentioned. And I've lotsa other photos to share too though not on Gemas...
How to be a gentleman? I've read that one - I'm thinking of sending my man (assuming I've one) to you for one-to-one coaching? Can or not? Better late than never eh?
yg montot bosa
kah kah kah
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