Se-menjak dua menjak, tiga menjak BN kalah di S'gor ni, jangankan nak nampak banner senamrobik tajaan Belia Kaw. U*NO tu, aerobik @the park tu pun cuma ada sekali je...
Apakah itu pun nak dipolitikkan?
Imagine pocho-pocho tanpa music?
Argh...maka ramailah yang frust & terpaksa berlari-larian i.e. jogging!
Modelling & Regression
Just a reminder. We all know that Y is dependent upon the explanatory variables (X's). In this particular case, Y is GDP which is explained by 6 X's. Then you have another model where Green_GDP as the regressand, with the same 6 X's as the independent variables. Fine, that's is your major contribution.
Simple question by Numero Uno (for her other candidate)- Now, can we simply compare both models?
And the answer is (as validated by moi! macam pandai je..but I learn from the best!) NO!
Point to remember econometrically, figures like R-squares are valid tools for model comparisons when the dependent variables are the same while the X's can be anything under the sky. While GDP & Green_GDP are two measures of the same thing, they're still different!
P/s: Bukannya tak tau, tapi mungkin xperasan bila dah kaji terlalu mendalam...
How (not) to cook Bubur Kacang
Step One: Rendam kacang hijau dalam bekas yang diletakkan dalam fridge (ok- takde hal ni).
Step Two: Tunggu sehingga kembang (tahun depan ok tak??? hehe..).
Eh awak - rendam kacang tu bukannya sampai lembut la...
kena rebus jugak utk lembut - rendam tu membantu mp'cepatkan proses je
sampai bila pun xkan kembang klu x direbus! apa lah u ni...ROTFL!
Three Stooges' update
Sumber risikan mengatakan bahawa the person that we met on that night wasn't what & who he's normally be - so whom did we met then?
Now I'm scared...
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