Dear Ibu&Ayah,
Thank you very much for 'having us around' yesterday. Thank you esp for the 'secret-recipe' crabs (I remember mostly the food- cooked just like masak lemak cili api except with some secret ingredient) hehehe...& Ibu's Ayah for the 'buat susah-susah je' bbq- my stomach was already fulled of 'starters' like fresh salad, nasi impit & rendang (Johorean I presume?), mix vege with big prawns, corncobs (tak sempat makan ni) so muat masukkan bbqed chicken wing & lamb cut (with another secret gravy) je.
To Abang Idin, who did well enough by getting into the final of the Spelling Bee. Er, Auntie rad needs to check out the spelling of 'exhortation' too.
To Hafiz, thank you for teaching me how to play bingo. (Yup! I feel so ancient)
To Ameer, hope you enjoy the books (minus the pensel tekan - refer Ibu's).
P/s: Pix of 'Bakal Ibu-Mertuaku', All smiley faces & Ibu's 'Special Task' is pending some 'approval/adjustment'.
To Simah & Halil, Hatice & Baddin,
I'm more than happy to finally meet u guys.
Simah said: You were telling me u r shy? (My earlier email: Really looking forward to see everyone nanti but let me warn you that I'm a very shy, reserved person. Hehehe...really!)
Rad said: Wakaka! I hope halil n kids weren't too scared after meeting your loud (been told recently to be talkative too) blogfren(s). Lucky u didn't join me in getting back to kl -
Masa pergi ok je ikut KL. Time balik, follow je signboards to Seremban/JB said my many frens. Tau-tau je dah lalu USJ pastu tu baru Cyber & Putrajaya!!! Scary coz the hi-way got few traffic. At one time, I glanced at the side mirror - it's totally dark, no traffic on both sides as far as my eyes can see & no streetlights. Thank God, I'm not alone & not bad eh for a first-timer in driving to kl.
To mama rizq & family,
Nice eh to finally expand our circle of blogfrens. Kinda scary actually to meet strangers whom we known only through online so that explain the blurry pix - shaky hands! Hopefully my friend & I didn't give any reasons for rizq to have nightmare last nite! hehehe...
uuuuuuuuuuuwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa nak mamam gak...
Tu lah, where were you? Apsal takde roger2? Hehehe..kan dah terlepas peluang nak jumpa selebriti dr Turkey ittteww hahahaha...
Well, all of us can concurred that the food was gloriously sedap!! Esp the craps. Orang lain dah bangun dari meja pun I dok terkial2lagi makan. Wish you were there though...
BTW, I miss hopping around as usual but so many things are happening lately - dateline looming nearer! *adoi* Wish me luck kay! And you tc...I'm already reading your 'happenings' tau.
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