Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Disclaimer: Entri ini tiada kena mengena sama ada mereka yang hidup atau mati, terutamanya kehidupan peribadi sesiapapun.
(I sure hear V asking, “Perlu ke statement ni?” Ahaks!)
Didedikasikan khas untuk Jiwa-jiwa Yang Mengerti.
(fuh! Kelas tak?)

Ever wonder: Are we all living in a sad, sad world?

Just look at all these thematic song (based on ‘Intensive Factual Research’ on the Net for ‘month-song’) (“raddddd! Have you got nothing to do?!” Trust me - I can hear YOU screeching!!)


Let’s start with October, shall we?

Tak sanggup lagi aku
Mengenang kisah lalu
Keganasan menghantui diriku

Biarkan ia pergi
Menjadi suatu misteri
Bagaikan tiada hati yang peduli

Tak mahu ku ingat lagi
Apa yang telah terjadi
Tragedi Oktober (Aw*e Wings)

Then continue with a cold, wet November,
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain (G*ns n Roses)

Move on into dreary December,
December promise you have unto me
December whispers of treachery
December clouds are now covering me
December songs no longer I sing (Coll*ctive Soul)

And start the year with,
Dengarkan lagu... lagu ini
Melodi rintihan hati ini
Kisah kita
Berakhir di Januari (Gl*n)

On the month of lovers awaited for:

Where has that old friend gone
Lost in a February song
Tell him it won't be long
Til he opens his eyes
Opens his eyes (Josh Gr*ban)

March til Sept – Now, it’s your job!

Take home lesson for today: Be merry, be happy.

P/s: Im bored to death. Looking forward to 'balik kampong' this weekend, really hope to see one of my ex(es) (his name is Chr*stian or in real fact, J*richo Rosales). You see, last time I was His Ara (in Sanay wala...hehe)! I still remember rushing home daily for Our Dates.
Awang advised me (re: blk kpg trip), "...there are Beautiful Ppl everywhere.."


Unknown said...

hehehehe memang sah cik Rad tak de mende nak buat hehehe...

enjoy ur weekend di kampung!

simah said...

ada research ckp..kalau pagi pagi first tihng in the morning k,ta dengar cheerful songs.. that will set our mood for the day...

for me..i prefer dengar yaasin dulu..feed the soul first..lepas tu dengar lagu happy n then baru möasuk bab bab sedih...

alahai.. balik kg lagi??

apa khabar makcik? lama tak mai sini.. hope things r going well for u... :0)

p.s bila nak habissssssssss???

rad said...

Pp, didn't notice any maksud yang tersirat or tersurat? Hmmm...try again!

rad said...

InsyaAllah - am getting there soon enough what with moral supports from friends like you! Thanks makcik!!!

Er, tu lah dugaannya blaja locally - sat-sat je dah nak kena balik kpg like this coming weekend (really!). Cuti sekolah dah mula lagi....