Monday, June 02, 2008

Caca-merba Weekend

Hai, x kan mlm pun duduk dlm keta dgr radio. Kwang2.
Cet! Idak ler sampai gitew sekali asyiknya.. Tp smbil drive td, sat2 pandang! Sat2 tukar channel! Mcm x pernah ada radio lak hehe
Tgk tu ada jgk spesis 'jakun'.. Kwang2.. Anyway enjoy ur trip.. Hayati..
Q. Akak marah tak kalau boyfriend akak masih bhubung dgn ex girlnya atas alasan kawan?
A. Lelaki n pmpuan x kekal bkawan after breakup mlainkan rakan sekerja ka, jiran sebelah rumah ka, mmg dah sedara ka, ada 'harta spencarian' ka, etc. Kes mana lak ni?
Hey fren. How is your thesis? Done?
Aiyoyo still struggling lor. Dont tell me dat you've submitted oredi? I'll die lor coz dat'll put me under more pressure!!
Send msg:
Bahawasanya saya memohon ampun maaf kerna menyusahkan tman2 (hosmates, dan semua adik-beradik, mak, anak buah dari S'gor ke Melaka yg terima pesanan spy mencari buku kaler hijau nipis je). Adapun buku yg hilang telah ditemui di belakang backseat keta saya. Wakakaka!

(But seriously, I've look inside the car, again & again, even under the seats...)

Syukur alhamdulillah. I don't mind (really) paying for the cost of the library book but it goes against my principle (not to mention the troublesome procedures - huh!) - I've never lost a library book ever before!! Not for the past 7 years...Not even from memberships of Perpustakaan Negeri (dan Daerah), Perpustakaan Bergerak (during primary), Barking Library - all of my schools' library & uni throughout my life of reading.

Funny, I found it the moment I stop searching for it & really pasrah!! (Thanks to mak & 'everyone' for the advices on 'how to find your misplace book'. I need to stop 'reading' at least for now.

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