On the way out to meet my Numero Uno recently this week, I came face to face with M, a Pak Arab. As usual, we compete on who will say the first salam (like advisor like advisee hehehe..him lah not me!).
His next greetings confounded me: “No coffee or tea today?!”
Er, hello! It’s 11-ish ok. AM.
I walked away looking confused. After all, isn’t now Ramadhan?
A-ha!!! That must be it!
Sometime earlier during the month, it so happened that all 3,4 of us female candidates were ‘excused from fasting’. The eldest-motherly one among us said, “Since we aint fasting today, why not enjoy some hot drinks (dipped with biscuits)?” Again, often times our office temperature is liken to Antarctica. Brrrrrr!!!
Not that we ate or do anything to that effect in the public space or common room pun. We kept to our individual rooms – shared according to gender. Must be that he noticed the sound when we switched on the kettle at the open pantry! *blushing*
Rad: Adakah B tetap mau singgah ke bazar ramadhan 2day?
Rad: makanya, jika B turun ke pasar - belikan gue…
Rad: I repeat ok - 1. roti john spesel (sardin or ayam), 2. kebab ayam or campur daging Melawati 3. burger ayam 4. murtabak 5. roti canai/capati/bom/paratha/thosei heheheheh
B: ya Allah
B: ko ni mengalahkan org puasa
Rad: hehehe tu ode masa perut kenyang – u belum tau lagi bila perut lapo camana pulak
B: *mulutmelopong*
No, I didn’t eat all of that in one go. My instruction to B was actually to buy one item according to 'order of availability'.
Turns out the number of times I cooked for iftar in just one week more than covered the current half-yearly quota – which is like once a month?
So far, I’ve cooked kue teow goreng (twice oredi, with cili api paste ok - pedas bangat!), fried egg noodle, nasi goreng kampung, french toast for sahur, sayur cendawan goreng, cendawan & udang tempura, & cekodok pisang for dessert. I even need to say this to myself, “Wow!” (am good at this or what?)
B encouraged me, often between mouthful of cookings, “Hm…sedap! Sedap!!”
Gimik je lebihnya tu…B cooked too. Pass.
Ramadhan Social Calendar
Iftar M@Semenyih – 1st weekend done! The p.mlm & bazar was awesome!
Invite N for iftar (Hmm, cook or buy je ni?) & balik kpg (with mak) – 2nd weekend
Iftar Jamaie with The Adam Family on the 19th - Menu & venue already agreed, need to arrange for plates & the likes for 40plus ppl. Aturcara majlis. Imam for tarawih. Tazkirah. Hm, ada besday sesape ke nanti?
Khatam Quran with The 3 Stooges – date yet to be decided, masing2 terkial2 lagi nih
Emailed:(Reply in brackets)
Hek eleh...dik oi! Dah nak masuk setengah bulan posa baru nak wish ka? Hahahahaha...dah basi daa.
Borang cuti raya dah isi?
Bapak dah sihat?
Buka posa beli ke masak nih? Sahur asyik terlajak ke?
Quran dah berapa juzuk baca?
Tarawih penuh?
**Didya know that jadi imam(ah) pun macam bawak basikal gak? Not like I know how to ride a bike. What am I saying is that, there’re things you still remember how to do it even after some time passes by. BTW, afdhalnya solat di masjid atau surau. Pun done.
Further reply:
Awat tarawih sehari je? Bz sgt ke jaga lab buka sampai malam? Isy2, rugi2.....
Ramadhan kan ke bulan mempertingkatkan amal ibadah - selain amalan yg fardhu. So kenalah bykkan baca Quran - tak dapat khatam satu Quran dlm sebulan pun takpe, janji baca sikit2...Sila rujuk: www.quranexplorer.com - best!! No need to download tp kena online la, ada macam2 audio pilihan, ada translation BM-BI, ada panduan hukum tajwid bercolor lagi! Ah-kak ckp ni pun mengingatkan diri sendiri jugak....
Dedicated to d (as well as My DDD)
tima kasih utk this motivational article. I pun macam u. Really pulling myself. So, you are not alone. Let's work and pray hard during this holy month that we will be able to complete this big job.
My reply:
S, at last, bersuara jugak you ye...
Baru je citer dgn Ibu A betapa yday masa I nak balik terserempak dgn Prof AG - dia kat hujung sana, i kat hujung sini level 5- mmg nampak each other. I pikir tak boleh jadi ni - apa nak jawab klu dia tanya, "Eh tak abis lagi??" So dgn pantasnya I turn around turun ikut tangga instead of guna lift.
Moral of the story, bilalah nak submit ni - tatau dah nak letak muka ni kat mana. Prof T pun klu t'serempak sure tanya menda yg sama - Arghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
Blm lagi citer jumpa lecturers lain kat p.mlm -nampak jauh lagi I dah lari nyorok!! Sedey kan?
Well, ini ujian Allah utk kita & i/Allah kita pasti mampu melaluinya.
One day in the not-so-distant future, we're going to look back at our struggle & say ALHAMDULILLAH!!
Pesanan drp M (Ha, topik apa ye? Cuba teka!):
memanglah...kita kena sabar...sabar dalam berniat, sabar dalam berikhtiar, sabar dalam mendapat keputusan..so tak yah nak marah-marah or sedih-sedih...
pening la baca your entry nih!! LOL
anyway, selamat beribadat.
and the moral of the story issssssssss.....
u take care makcik! :0)
The written words somehow explained the current state-of-mind of the struggling writer!
If I pray for a struggle no more, must be that I'm dead right?
Ha, sama2lah kita beramal ibadah - biar lebih byk drp biasa insnyaAllah.
Yup! You take care too.
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