A. Balang kuih raya dah hias? Guna lace & ribbons utk letak cantik2 dlm bakul (NOT me!)…Pergh!!! Buek hamper/hadiah pun mengancam gak nih! Another busines idea…
B. Rambut dah set/straighten? On a matter of re-bonding..and hair!Ada apa dengan rambut you might ask?
Hehehe…I’ve a (single) friend with real ‘fizzy’ hair. If you know me, pls jgn teka siapa dia. She makes it a point to reward herself a hair re-bonding session once a year only before Eid. It wasn’t cheap. My sister and I (not that I need or want to) had been talking about it for ages – she wants to do it, for her hubby (whatever for?)! It (the process) wasn’t quick or easy either. She, my friend tu, had to take leave from work and that was after arranging for pre-booking with the stylist/hair-dresser. The whole process take hours (like 4 hours?) from start to finish depending upon the strength of your curls. Then, you’re not allowed to wash your hair for the next three days. Imagine the horror! And smell too! But it lasts quite long, almost a good half year in her case– again depending upon many contributing factors.
At the same time, my other friend, who has straight hairs, wants to have curls, as in real curls and lots of it! But her husband wants HER hair to be straight like the shampoo ad –was it like pre-programmed in a guy’s head? (I already give up at this point!)! She insists anyway…and I said, go for it!
Next, I know another person with similar affliction– young & gullible. Why did I say that? Because she caused a furor among the Family, not that long after her father passed away, by spending hard-earned money on re-bonding (according to the circulating rumours lah but actually she just used some DIY products at home) and at times now, shucked her headscarf as she is a hypocrite no more (wore headscarf previously coz her father asked her to!!! I don’t blame her, she’s young but..
Talking about hair, one of my young nephews like to argue daily with the mother on the state of his hair – he (The Head Prefect) wants it straights-up (rambut tegak2 gitu – using lotsa hair gel, even inside the songkok- gee!!) while The HMistress (the mother) wants it down-flat! And the Family has been wondering why would girls come running after him?
And all this while I thought only mak2 datin je yg pi set rambut before pi functions!
rad, selamat hari raya. amboii! byk sungguh persiapan raya yer! hati2 lik kg. Maaf bebanyak yer...
Er, raya belum abis kan? Valid lagikan nak bermaaf2an? Sama2 kita ye.....Thx for the ingatan. Tc!
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