Wednesday, September 17, 2008

That ‘funny’ feeling…now it’s gone. Oh-hohoho…

Don’t know about you guys but I seriously had this ‘problem’.

Did you know my daily ritual of wajib minum kopi? During the first half of the Holy Month of Ramadhan, my preparations for sahur & iftar wont be complete unless there was a hot steaming mug of coffee (among other things) served on the table. I’ve been adding portion of 3-in-1 oat drinks (for sahur) too for that extra ‘Ummppp!’ (not eating much veges & fruits – so sue me)

Then I started ‘breaking wind’(fart, flatulence - whatever you call it) – here, there & everywhere…Hehehe…

Er, not that funny at all.

Not when you burped/belched all day long (like every 10min - not that Im checking the time), aside from farting (nasib baik not as frequent and NO SMELL at all, this I’m sure off 'k), feeling nauseated & queasy (to the extent of throwing up sometimes – tak sengaja) which consequently causes me a lot of embarrassment as my colleagues (outside) might think I’m eating alone in the office (makan kenyang kah sampai sendawa? Coz dah ada kes ni hahaha), rushing through prayers, inconvenience of trying to hold ‘it’, etc.

Until one bright sunshiny day, a light-bulb moment happened to click in my mind, “It must be all the coffees (on empty stomach)!!!” (Nope, not such thing lah…a concerned friend merely asked about my current diet!)

Will drinking Eno helps? No.

Did I eat such & such foods which together produced the most powerful, gaseous combinations inside the tummy? Mostly not I guess. Nasi Goreng? Kue Teow? Roti? Nah.

Later today I found out that oats – the fibre on a ‘dried’, empty stomach, not enough water….Not good!"Buat mereka yang mengambil oat... kekurangan air akan menyebabkan angin memandangkan ia terdiri daripada serabut yang tinggi." Puasa Pakar Diet, K*smo

So, it’s been 5 whole days (& nights) of UNCOFFEEnated myself. Lessen the turmoil. Though I might start to hallucinate. Withdrawal symptom.

But tea also not good enough. (both caffeine in coffee & theine in tea, acting as stimulant, are diuretic)

Been treating myself with halia + madu drinks. Urghhh!

Added some horlicks to trick my mind of ‘the delicious taste & smell’. Almost better. A lil’ bit.

Any other plausible suggestions?

Psst! The title came from an old 70’s song that is playing on my mind – lyric tweaked accordingly to my finicky taste. Double entendre? If only you know ‘the story’..


D said...

actually kan rad, the key to it all is just plenty of water, ie: plain water (coffee and tea doesn't count). I have become an addict of plain water now - ahaks! (and I don't believe it myself). Well, don't think i drink enough though.

Hope u get better and will be able to maintain that gas-less feeling!

Lee said...

Hi Rad, you are simply hilarious! Ha ha....couldn't help smiling read this posting.
Guess your tum tum banyak angin la. Ha ha.
It cannot be the drinks...
Ohhhh, I only drink ice coffee, Maxwell House rich blend or Nescafe...morning, noon, night, winter summer, ha ha.
Habit since 16! Ahhhh, but orang punya ruma will drink hot, but let it cool first....ta'bagus la ask people ada ice tidak? Ha ha.
You better not touch petai or can sail a small boat so much ha ha...angin around.
Keep well Rad, Lee.

rad said...

You know what, horlick is much worst!!! Instead of burping a lot, I - ehem! -.....must be the malt inside! Hehehe...

So I faithfully follow your suggestion - to drink just plain water, lots of it!

And the verdict is.....we'll see, ok!

rad said...

Am glad that I could make you smile! Hahaha..

So, we're now coffee-buddies too eh? I prefer hot coffee (trying to reduce cold drinks intake). Here we've 3 kinds of Nescafe 3-in-1: yellow sticks for mild, red for normal & dark green for 'real bitter taste of coffee' - my fave! If ordered to mamak's gonna be: Kopi O Kaw/Pekat-PEKAT tau..kurang gula.
Mom said, I'm like her father who said: a small cup of really good & thick coffee is better than the whole kettle of coffeeless one! How true...

Ummi365 said...

Salam kenal rad.

Ohhh I was smiling when reading this. Yeah me too, not only atas pot pet pot pet but bawah pun sama especially during sahur. I realize that I am allergic to dairy product during ramadhan. I don't like to eat heavy during sahur but i need the energy so i go for kurma and water plus madu.. sometimes milo o w/o sugar and creamer.

rad said...

Salam perkenalan kembali...maaf lewat sgt nak reply komen ummi - bukan tak sudi tapi tak berkesempatan. InsyaAllah akan kunjungan balas dlm mkasa terdekat - but tak janji eh!

Ekceli, malu juga nak citer lebih2 pasal menda semua tu tp takpelah atas dasar sharing info kahkahkah!!! Lagipun yg takde bau punya ye.....klu yg ada bau tu - harus kita tak ngaku kan kalau terlepas? My whole family members are like that even babies bila ada bunyi semcm tu, we just look at each other & say, "Keturunan....." hehehe

Dietary factor plays an important role - not enought fibre since I don't particularly like to take veges or fruits (had to really force myself). Ha, i don't know that allergy to dairy products is another explanation? No wonder lah klu saya minum teh tarik yg kaw2 punya tu - sure kejap2 tu juga carik toilet hahahaha...