Sunday, September 24, 2006

Being in Polygamous relationship...

To the parents out there!
The Dos and Don’ts of Breaking Up &/@ Being in Polygamous relationship:

Do not do it
Do not lie to us kids
Do not tell us something but meaning something else
Do not expect us the be the same loving kids as before
Do explain to us why our mother who seems good enough to bring us down to this earth before but now seems not fit for audience with you
Do explain the need for you to help other suffering people from much danger when we at home are left to bargained for our soul
Do say that you love us
Do stay with us!

We, the kids.

salam ramadhan al mubarak. posa ka? how was ur agama exm aritu?
sheera: exam skool agama ari tu ok je
sheera: slamat berpose
sheera: and berdiet
Good - very good.. ni nak study lagi ke? Heheheh - itu merah sudah sihat?
sheera: sihat
sheera: mak su dah exam ke?
Kak guna tak? Cuba register -it's free but the thing is you can download as many as 5 photos per day. Bole buat wallpaper or screensaver - macam2 ada tapi kak sure minat cat's pictures kan? Try la...
Mak su mana ada exam least no more written exam. What I am doing now is writing a book - a story about my research - then I'll have an oral exam called viva to defend my writing...
sheera: jap.. nak try la ni
sheera: ada chance gi beijing?
sheera: kalo ade ingat nak suruh mak su bwk kite skali
sheera: hehe sedang berhempas pulas nak menyiapkan essay...klu dapat submit esok - maka cerahlah masa depan. Kak jgn lupa doakan ye!!
sheera: insya ALLAH
Dpt tak webshot tu? Senang je - follow step dia..
Er, heli tu posa ke?
sheera: dah ble da
Mak su suka gambar angkasa lepas, waterfalls la...tempat2 femes kat dunia ni...mcm2 la!
sheera: cheh.. kat beijing ape yg femes?
Aik, 7 wonders of the world kak tak tau ka? Pyramid di Egypt/Mesir tpt makcik belaja dulu tu satu. Beijing tpt Tembok Besar China da... if I'm not mistaken, antara structure buatan manusia yg dpt dilihat dari bulan!!
sheera: o0o0.. kite x minat bende bersejarah ni...
Klu US terkenal dgn Statue of Libertynya - London dgn Big Ben, Paris dgn Eiffel Tower...maksu target nak tengok summe tu!
sheera: ok,ok... cukup...
sheera: hehe
Isy, rugilah kak tak minat sejarah...klu tak kerna Hang Tuah, hilang dah tau Melayu di dunia ni? Kita kena tau sume tuh!
sheera: ayyooo...
sheera: manyak susah wa ckp dgn olang2 ini macam
Nanti kak kena belajar pasal zaman Belanda, Portugis, Inggeris menakluk Tanah Melayu - baru kak tau org Melayu ni kuat & hebat tau! Org Melayu dah lama ikut mengelilingi dunia - zmn Columbus lg- bukan Azhar Mansor yg dah murtad tu!
sheera: ayooo.... wa tarak mau ckp pasal itu lagi.. wa manyak pening kepala
Tu lah... budak2 zmn sekarang ni - tau senang je. Makn minum sume cukup tapi dia tak tau & nak menghargai penat jerih atok moyang kita dulu! Belum lagi maksu ckp pasal Ibnu Khaldun, Ibnu Sina, sejarah ketamadunan Islam! Lagi hebat dari Barat! Heheheh...
sheera: hehehe
sheera: tau x pe
Eh, kak cita2 nak jadi apa nanti?
sheera: veterinar
sheera: (yg halal punye)
Eh, klu jadi veterinar klu pesakit tu binatang anjing pun kena layan tau - yg penting bole samak! Maksu pernah baca yg doc pompuan Melayu ni ubatkan anjing..
sheera: insya ALLAH
Klu ular sakit ke, nharimau ke...yelah mcm2 ada kat zoo nun!
sheera: kite nak jadi veterinar haiwan peliharaan je tak blk kpg? Musti nenek gumbira kan?
sheera: best... tp x best
Apa yg best apa yg tk best tu?
sheera: yg best sbb dapat blk kg.. tp x best sbb nenek mcm layan axxxr dgn axxr aje
sheera: sedih...
HUH? Ye ke? Perasaan kak je tak? Mungkin nenek kesian sbb mak dia takde sdgkan kak ada sekali dgn mama...
sheera: ade... mak die ade
radziah_adam: Kak ingat tak lemang minggu dulu tuh? Nenek yg bagi cdgan utk maksu hantar ke SA coz nenek tau kakak dgn uxxr suka!
sheera: mak teh pun mcm suke layan axxxr dgn axxr je... dgn kite n heli mcm dah x de ape yg nak dicakap
sheera: sedih la...
Ha...suma2 org ada? Aisey... I dunno la..
Jgn sedey ok? I'm sure nenek tak maksudkan gitu - nenek mungkin ckp lbh sikit dgn they all coz itu baru kali kedua jumpa - ada byk nak tanya kot. Kita kena sangka baik...Ingat ayam masak maman tu? Ha...nenek tak msak ayam tu minggu pls coz nenek kata itu ayam Sxxxirah -coz dia tau ayah dah ckp nak balik minggu ni.
sheera: yela kot
Pastu masa bungkus lemang tu, mana de nenek suruh maksu pergi hantar or bagi sikit kat rmh sana? You're still important & loved by all of us!! Tunggu je la duit raya nanti!
sheera has signed out. (9/24/2006 3:06 PM)

Kak, I'm sory if I hurt your feeling - I know this is a sensitive issue. I really want you to be happy...sometimes it's very difficult for us as a kid to understand the adult (org tua2) - why they are doing this instead of that...but trust me- they love us no matter what!! Maksu sayang kakak tau!! Muah3x!!

A little bit of background. This bro of mine has 2 set of wifes n kids. Another bro too. The other bro don't wanna missed out too - claimed at least he got 2 wifes what! (including one ex). My parents was divorced (then rujuk) 2 times already before the-almost-third&final one - he too wanted to get married to another divorcee. Ada apa dgn gene - you might wonder? It is hereditary? I'm all for understanding why polygamy is HALAL in Islam...but I don't get it - they are not really pious muslim! Why eh bila part poligami je mesti nak ikut sunnah Nabi SAW tapi part yg lebih afdal lagi seperti berjuang mempertahankan Islam? Membesarkan anak2 dgn sempurna? Guys make jokes over this matter (siap cabar mencabar lagi - eg kes CT tuh)...but it hurts you that kid above! Senang cakap pasal ADIL...tapi jawablah di akhirat kelak!!


simah said...

i am not againt poligamy too but i personally think that it is not easy to be *adil* to more than 2 wives...imagine la kan..bila beli one wife baju, the other wife pun the hubby kena beli.. etc..etc..etc..itu yg dinamakan adil.. n as for the kids pun the same case...

when i try to put myself in the poligamy shoes.. as a wife.. i dont think i can share my hubby with another woman.. i dont think i want my kids to share their baba with another woman's chlidren..maybe this is what u call selfishness but i am really really glad that poligamy is legally not accepted here in job is to keep my kid happy :0)..jangan sampai dia cari yg lain..

Anonymous said...

I've got nothing against polygamy (of course, senang to cakap now), but I hope that if and when I am ever tested with a scenario like that, that I will be a better Muslim in being able to accept it. But I completely agree with you when it appears that quite a few Muslim men (although not all) seem to be very fast in heeding to this particular sunnah in comparison to the other sunnahs, which are actually more important! But then again - how are we to know what Allah has planned for everyone kan? Ramadan Mubarak to you & thanks for coming by me blog. :)

Idham said...

aha rad...
my view? *jap nak check kak LiL kat mana?*

no la... i better keep my view on poligamy to myself....biar lah rahsia kata siti.


rad said...

Konsep adil tu amat payah - meletakkan sesuatu pada tempatnya. Doesn't mean equal share as klu the first wife ramai anak so kenalah lebih allocation duit belanja etc. & vice versa. Cuma Nabi dah bersabda, part kasih sayang tu memanglah tak mampu nak dibahagi sama rata!
So, jaga2 - "jgn sampai dia cari yg lain.." Heheh

If I'm the first wife, then I'll just have to accept the situation as best as I can..
But, I pray real hard so that I'll never be the second wife - the so-called perampas suami orang!

Abe Id,
Why biarlah rahsia? Nape? takut kak Lil eh?Heheheh...sharelah your point of views..
My bro always said that we female are way too emotional - but if we were to take out the emotional side, can we become a good mother? an understanding wife? I rest my case...