Thursday, September 28, 2006

Payung Emas & Polygamy Level II

Payung emas di syurga…(dedicated to Simah & Blab- Heheh..)

Tersebutlah alkisah akan seorang lelaki berusia
yang tewas dalam berdepan dengan dugaan di tempat kerja.
Datangnya seorang wanita muda belia
dengan tujuan untuk menggoda tanpa sengaja.
Maka bermulakah bibit cinta luar biasa antara mereka.
Sementelah mereka dah tak boleh dipisah,
maka si isteri dimaklumkan kasih kini terbahagi sudah.
Si isteri tenang dan tak kisah.
Tetapi cuma pintanya diatur pertemuan di antara mereka.
Si isteri cuma berkata,
“Kak tak kisah, kau kawin lah dengan abang.
Malah kak amat berterima kasih kerana kau
insyaAllah kak bakal dapat berteduh dibawah payung emas di syurga.”
Si gadis merasa amat gumbira,
“Betul ke ni kak? Saya pun nak juga berpayung emas di syurga…”
Si isteri cepat sambung,
“Eh bagus sangat, kalau macam tu kenalah kau carikan abang
calon isteri nombor tiga segera!”

That one was a story that was circulating sometimes ago at my institution. Almost like an urban legend! Akhir maklumat yang diterima, si gadis sedar dari buta matanya.
Dah takde lain ke, laki orang jugak yg kau nak terima!

Bukan niat nak memperlekehkan hukum. Tapi malangnya manusia terlalu jahil dalam menafsir hukum agama.
Polygamy Level II

You think it’s easy & fun to have more than one wife? Just imagine the normal bickering among couples in the weeks leading to Eid Fitr. On whose side is it this year – to go back for raya? Usually either take turn or using the argument that 'your side is near & since we go all the time so it’s only fair to return to my side of the family every year'..(my newly married friend is SO clever – she demanded during the engagement period that first raya must be on her side of the family; next year she definitely will come up with some kind of arguments for the same thing but I digress)... Now that you have at least three sides of family – how do you arrange, divide everything? Especially if you are still keeping the second wife existence as a secret from the first wife family? So that everything will look normal? Hahahahah…boleh botak kepala…Ye lah, first you forget whose side is it this year then when people are starting to come back to work, you still need to fulfill your duty with the second side…i.e. another round of balik kampong trip. Very penat wooo…Try to put all in in place? No-no, definitely not a good idea..

As for the wifes (since you already get this far), here is my kind advises. If you stay in the relationship (MasyaAllah, what a strong person you are!), you have to ACCEPT things…meaning that you have to remember at all time that you’re sharing your husband with another woman. Your kids share their father with other kids. It is no use for you to confuse the kids with your side of the story. No need to poison their mind with all the misdeeds of the daddy. No need to make the other members of the family to choose side. No need to show your suffering – so as to prove the old adage ‘makan hati berulam jantung’ is true! At the end of the day, your husband is still your husband thus syurga seorang isteri terletak pada suami. Mana boleh seorang isteri memburuk-buruk suami? Siapa yang malu…mereka dan keluarga mereka jugak…
Based on a little real life experiments – No lah, observations mostly – life treats you better if you keep the proper behaviour, i.e. act normally. If you show & share your disagreement – you lose..

As for the kambing tua jantan, they always prefer pucuk muda. Take it easy, let it be. They might forget that you’re the daun kering yang bersepah ditiup angin (yang dulunya pernah muda) that used to to shelter them. Never mind the fact that pucuk muda will also tua & kering one fine day…Never mind that kambing jantan akan tersungkur jua akhirnya menyembah bumi…

I see funny things the way all those kambing tua trying to look young again. Check out their dressing (This is another clue to detect the presence of the third party). Trying real hard to look young again – I almost pity them.

Of course, not all polygamous relationship is as bad as I portray above. You might be lucky...

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