Thursday, September 28, 2006


How is my walking-style?

The other day, I was busy running up & down to the office downstairs in order to settle the registration matter (God, pls let it comes true!). It happened that while I was coming down a corridor there was another lady turning into the corridor at the other end. I was rushing but noticed that she stopped right there, halfway through the corridor. So, when I passed by her side, I smiled & say salam & managed to ask, “nape berhenti?” She said, “laju sangat..”. By the way, the corridor has ample width easily for two persons to pass each other. Hmm….

Just now at the pasar ramadhan, I was finished with finding my simple menu for the day so just walk quickly pass all the stalls to complete the endless circle. At the same time, I took the opportunity to check out any other interesting stalls. Then, somebody catched my eyes & said, “Saya pandang je awak jalan tadi…” Heheheh…”Eh prof, sorang je… blahblah..(trying to divert his attention)”. So, I am thinking & wondering now, do I walk that bad?

Not that long ago, a kind soul said, “You jalan la ladylike sikit..” Eeuuwww... nak ladylike mcm mana lagi?
And then another kind friend kata, “You and your supervisor mmg padan – dua2 jalan laju..” But, I personally think she walks faster than me, based on on the few occasions I had to try to catch up with her.

To Idham: (free pimping)
Mon: tapi akak ni connect kan saya ngan blog si Idham tu..
Mon: camne leh kenal mamat tu kak?
: nape? Mon bengkang-bengkok ke? Heheh Idham tu best kan? Lagi satu MakAndeh!
Mon: scary wei dia punye openness
: hahahah - mon kena careful coz mon budak kecik lg - kak org tua...
mon: my first kiss...haha..siap cerita macam2 kat blog die..
mon: tu namanya golongan blogger tegar
: Kak malas nak ckp - nanti mon tuduh kak meracuni fikiran mon tapi dia punye earlier entries - fuh, DAHSYATTTTT!!!!
Mon: akak kalau nak gi site yang banyak site kawan Mon ni..
Mon: dia buat tagboard Malaysian style la..
: Ha, pe dia?
Mon: nanti saya jengok idham tu agi
: Heheheh tapi klu posa jgn baca yg awal2 tu nooo....
mon: ok
mon: memang real story dia kan kak?
: Eh, baru perasan - nama blog & URL - dua benda berbeza eh
: Ntah - kak mula bg komen bila dia tulis yg ok je....dia ada blog kedua lani - serious stuff!
: tagboard malaysian style tu amenda mon?

… stil bertapa at…..

Aiyoo..double phd ke my fren?! least u r moving towards ur completion soon.I dah xde moodnak sambung pun.Hehe..
Eh, perli ka? Im so sensitive ths days.. Heheh! Jom cpt smbung la wei, we r nt gettg younger!
Aiyaya..dun remind me of my age lar.It shows tau on my face.Dulu fine lines, skrg terus wrinkles. Hehe..i rase nak buat on my own kat XXM je la.Dah x larat nak serve bond.
Watever..jz do it! So dt u knw wat im goin thru..*d devil in me* u rmind me- I need 2tel oily then..
Hi.chan told me dt Mxxki is a fav of urs heheh.
Haha, u actually believe dat big bullshit ah chan.. So, dat’s means u’l b here soon la.. Everythin ready? Al d bes ah..


Merajuk ?

Didn’t go for tarawih the last three nites.

The decision is made. I’m not going for tarawih at the mosque anymore – unless I could find another one with better traffic control. I was so mad the other night - mmg hilang pahala puasa sebab marah2 (dalam hati je la!)! Tapi klu tak sabar, dah lama nak lanyak je @ gilis sampai lumat motor2 tu semua & kereta yg tuh. Dah la dtg lewat tp nak jugak parking sesuka hati & balik pun sesuka hati (siap gelak2 pulak tu) – awak jugaklah yg sakit hati!
I know the practice during Friday prayer – people will double park with the understanding that yg park kat belakang sekali tu kena cepat2 blah! Ni tidak…parking byk tapi kita yg dtg awal yg kena panelized! Tak sekolah ke diorang semua!! Dekat setengah jam baru bole keluar dari masjid! (Bukan apa, ada kerja nak buat – esoknya paper due…)
Conclusion of my raving & ranting – utk menyelamatkan keadaan, solat je lah sendirian dirumah!
My fren (she’s younger than me but more mature since she’s married while I’m not!) said klu dah sampai me’mudharat’kan, mmg jatuh hukum for me to stay at home je!!


simah said...

kat mana mana pun tak der hal..salkan solat terawikh tak tinggal udahhhhhh

rad said...

*blushing coz dah bykkk...t'tinggal (lbh 2x!)*
Heheheh...buat malu orang kampung je kan. BTW, sat ni blk kpg, sure tak miss punya coz kat kpg best - mcm express lajunya!

Idham said...

:) selalau gak terawih di rumah....bawak anak2 dan isteri di saf belakang...adess...bahgia!


Anonymous said...

haha..akak..kalo komen setakat laju tu...boleh ejas la kak...hehe.leh la akak comparekan ngan komen kawan Mon kat style Mon plak...
"kangkangnya idak lerr....tapi keras..."
mana tak hangat telinga eden...

rad said...

Last year, mak just had knee operation so I led her for tarawih. Dulu2 time kat asrama pun saya selalu gak led solat jemaah tapi iman kan ada pasang surutnya..nampak gaya lani tengah surut byk! (Klu sedar diri, byk kena taubat nih)

Geng mon org muda so memang tak patut geng org tua2 maka lebih berhikmah. I tried really tapi mcm peliklah..sat2 tu dah lupa balik.