Saturday, September 16, 2006

My lepakking days are outnumbered! (Research Update)

Dear Darling D.
1. Mrs Boss aka sup will be back from sabbatical leave starting Monday, 18th. This is to be translated into no more biweekly meeting BUT every other day if not everyday meeting to report progress…eg. See you at 7:30am!! (since she’s a morning person)
2. Halfway through my first 6-months extention – reminder: Need to apply for another 6-months! Better come out with all the plausible reasons..(i.e. need to be creative ma!)
“… but, but you’re supposed to finish by last June!”
“Hellooooo…ingat senang ka menulis nih? Coba ngko terai buat karangan 100 perkataan tu?!”
3. Deadline for Essay II is extended to 22nd: “Dear Professor Adam (well, what can I say - they insist!), … the date is ABSOLUTE and submission after 22nd may result in substantial delay for our handling of your registration…” Mau ugut konon!!! Sendiri mau ingat daaa!!
4. Data to be collected @DOS – Ka-ching!!!!!
5. Apply grant @GBS – Letter, receipts & more creativity needed…refer Zu.
6. Get my committees to sit together & comments URGENTLY. Dari early (promised) dah bawak ke hujung Sept ni?
7. If only I manage to get eviews & limdep & stata results to agree together…my life will be complete! What more that I need eh?
8. I know I m’umpat u a lot tapi takkan takleh ajar camna nak write commands for programming? Takpa2, org tak sudi…pandai2 sendiri je la! (Ceh! Kedekut ilmu punya ‘kawan’ (taik kucing hidung masin!!!!#$$^%$&*#!!!), sombong la…hari ini ari ngko…esok ari aku mana ngko tau!)
9. Ku mohon….

P/s: Off for a kenduri & a hospital visit – hepi weekend ppl! InsyaAllah no updet til 22nd! If only I manage to last that long..


Idham said...


u r one smart sista....i just know it..u r sharp, perceptive, and insightful.

best of all lucks and i want to hear u achieving ur dreams..u hear!


Lollies said...

wwoo sounds sungguh interesting. language apa you pakai tu?

rad said...

Marhaban ya ukhtie!!!
Found out from ur recent besday bash that we're about the same age heheheh!!
Language apa pakai?
Mix some Chinese & Indian frens ma...
The one yg byk O-O to bahasa rasmi orang Nogori...cuba tukar jadi byk O-O je. Eg. Negeri=nogori, lemang=lomang
My current partner-in-crimes ramai Indonesians, ado Jowo!! Kapannya datang dari Medan pun iya...Yjogja..
Ada jugak pak2 Arab (I called those from Middle East as Arabs but found out that an Iranian is called Persian!LOL)- Yemen, Somalia, Jordan...
Udah ckp xplain ka?? Heheheh...I luv the sound of different languages

Thx to you - the joy of blogging!!!
I found it is easier to share my thought online than speaking it out loud...

Abe Id,
One dream dah kantoi but I'm not giving up yet....
...DREAMS.....dreams-dreams...(lagu sape tuh, very the sempoi one - old song zaman 60s?)