Sunday, July 15, 2007

Chivalry is DEAD

Note: Quick one, will reply earlier comments later.

refer COD: Chivalry
3 the combination of qualities expected of an ideal knight, especially courage, honour, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help the weak. Ø courteous behaviour, especially that of a man towards women.

(with permission empunya cerita)

alien: dah confirm putus ker?
rad: Er, ntah la hapekenamanya...
alien: i mean - putus secara slowly masing2 diam or dah declare putus?
rad: Cfirmlah -byangkan bila called boleh pulak hsemate angkat & kata mandi, pastu call back tak angkat2, sms kata nak call pun tak jugak angkat
alien: ooooo..cara2 lelaki putuskan hubungan.
rad: Dia klu boleh nak berckp direct kasi abis la tp dah member sana tu tak angkat -nak buat lagu mana? So, dia bg tau makcik dah...& nak suruh mintak gambar2.
alien: aku pernah jugak kena mcm tu.
alien: yer ker...
rad: Yes....that's right. Depa takdork *tut* ka nak kata depan2?
alien: itulah mslah lelaki.
alien: aku rs kalau diaorg kt depan2, aku no big deal ler.
rad: Abis tu yg gatal mula2 dulu bukan main ngorat lagi...awat tak ckp siang2? I pun naik hangin jadinya bila dengar ...ini kes anak mak yg tak reti buat keputusan nih
alien: apa pendapat kau - aku rs si mak nyer mmg nak sgt bermenantu tp anaknyer...
rad: Yes, time kita jual mahal bukan main lagi depa rayu tp bila hati kita dah mula kata mau depa buat lagu ni
rad: Betul tu...tu I kata jan* takdork *tut* - konon biar keluarga yg carikan tp mcm2 pulak songel eh
This is what we (me & the empunya cerita not the one I 'IM'ed with) concluded earlier this morning after the jogging session - something akin to speed dating.
I say, you wanna know me? Let's decide on a time frame (say 2 weeks? 3 months? one date? one glance?)- for how long we both need to determine whether we've enough info abt the other party so as to decide whether we like him or her to proceed with whatever. At the end of that period, each person will vote. One vote or no vote - no hard feeling ya - it's over & no harm done. Both votes, a relationship is in the making...Agree?

To the guys out there:
Yes, women are VERY emotional creatures - don't phunk with our heart (we support each other too). Imagine, she is your sister, or your daughter...C'mon, be a good man - go & learn something from Uncle Lee's.


J.T. said...

I was trying to decipher that message/conversation between you and alien. I managed to get the main point ... men!

I know a girl would appreciate the guy giving her reasons why it would not work out. Whether she accepts it or not, at least he did his part. But somehow he never seems to be able to find his 'family jewels' to say what he feels. He goes into hiding .. hoping the problem will go away.

Darling said...

hehehehe... std le tu rad.. kalau they got *tut* pun they still akan salahkan pompuan for whatever happened, supaya nampak mereka baik.. ops bukan semua lelaki ler.. (kang ada lak yg marah aku kang hehehe)

Lee said...

Hi Rad, regret read this post of I think you ada sikit problem, huh?
Rad, the world is at your feet, the hisbiscus will still bloom besok.
It is regrettable to hear or read about a woman's hurt.
Yes, I totally agree with you re women being very emotional creatures, unlike men, not all of course, some they have hati made of crushed cement.
I dislike seeing a woman's tears (except those crocodile ones, of course).
I always believe if a man has no intentions of putting a gold band on a woman's finger, then jangan start main emotions as its always the woman who gets hurt more.
As well, should the circumstances be otherwise to face the music together as diplomatically and as tactfully as possible.
But Rad, keep your chin up, girl. After a hujan ribut, comes clear blue skies, I assure you.
The most beautiful flower in the world has thorns.
Keep well, RAD. UL.
ps, thanks for the name mention, saya malu la, ha ha.

rad said...

Yes, that's the main point - guys & their lack of communication. There's no changing them - that's like going against nature!

But, I dare say, it takes guts to come out & say things like, "I see no future between us!" That came after chasing the person in the first place. I guess, not only girls hava this problem of feeble minds - guys are entitled too!

rad said...

Yes, the big question - do they have *tut*? Take note that this is not a male-bashing session - what we need is just an open line of communication with them -let's be direct! hear ye!

rad said...

Apa pulak nak malu2 - I learnt a lot by reading your entries like on gentlemen' ways etc. Being a gentleman or a lady ain't easy of course - but it is something that can be learn right? And practice always.

BTW UL, that story wasn't about me being hurt - I'm done with all that - it is actually referring to my younger friend.

Er, nothing wrong I guess with using crocodile tears to get our point across? Heheheh...likewise I found out that if I smile2 extra bits then I got bigger discount at the shops! Provided that I'm dealing with male assistant.