I met Dum-ma (Dumar?) earlier this morning. It was love at a first sight – at least on my part. Spent some time talking to her, petting, hugging & cuddling, & took her on a short walk too. She attracted a lot of attention – not bad for a first time out on the park. She even had to pose for a papparazzi, who was desperate for a piece of her in action!
It was so easy to love her – she’s really big for a ‘person’ of her age (14yo after conversion into human age I guess) – could be easily mistaken for a dog some what with a leash! I think, this is the first time ever that I saw dog-leash being put into use on a non-dog (toddlers aside). And it works too. I wish I could take her home with me & to bed – just to hear that “‘Brurrrrrrrrrrr..” engine sound again while cuddling her warmth especially on cold rainy day (like today).
I don’t care even if she is shedding her soft very-long furry hairs all over me.
BTW, Dumma momma’s is a pedigreed Tabby & her dadda is an orange-colored Persian – that makes her a tri-color SHE-cat! Meowwww!!!
Hi Rad, I too love cats, but my wife dislike them as they will sharpen their claws on her curtains, leave a trail of hair or fur all over.
I love Persians, they so fluffy and so aristocratic.
Then there's the Siamese cats..slinky things with shifty eyes.
But young days kept either a German Shepherd or Doberman dog.
Had one Doberman dog, huge thing too...and so fierce, the Indian roti man, even the pst man afraid to come near my gate as this fellow will growl and charge and try to climb up the gate.
Those days I lived in PJ dekat Motorola and a lot of break-in, including the infamous 'orang minyak'....my neighbours homes semua kena break-in, except mine. My gate daytime will be locked, but doors open for fresh air, iron grills too open, but my "Snoky Joe", his name will be lying just beside the door, and God help the person. I had to put up 4 signs of "beware of fierce guard dog" Or "guard dog lose" with a pic of a Doberman growling and teeth showing with blood dripping from his mouth.
Oh ya, I trained him to lift the phone up for me when if rings, ha ha.
Have a nice day, Rad. UL.
oitt... whose cat did you pat, hug and cuddle, eh? LOL
Cats are cuddly but we cannot have them at home. Some people are allergic!
So, we will settle for a cute, cuddly doggie. :)
wahhhhhhh.... ada orang tu ada kuching ka.. bestnyaaaa...
masa i baca entry tu..i was thinking..* buang tabiat ka minah ni ada anjing?* heheh cisssssss diriku telah tertipu dengan writing style u! feline rupanya..cissss..
kalau hatice nampak sure dia nak peluk punya.. we r from cat lovers family as well :0)
My family loves cats. We used to have lots of them - Tompok, Belang, Kuning, Hasanah, Bintun etc..-all kucing kampong lah. Me & siblings used to fight over whom the cats loved more - decided by who they slept with -btw, cats bathe every week. Of course, the gatal kucing betina went to my bro while the manja kucing jantan came to me - hahah!
When it came to the daily 'end products of cats' - we toilet-trained them but accidents did happen lah- guess who had to take care of all that? When they're sick?
So, the first cat came through the drain when I was mencangkung kena jirus air mandi (significant moment ni) by mak on first day of kindy...By the time I left for boarding school, the cats started to 'disappear' too...
The last one gone for good when I was in UK (what I'm telling you - I'd this close affinity with them such that they couldn't bear to live without me - oh yes -it's true!)
And I did told you some time ago (I think in ur comment box)- long before my time, my ayah used to keep a guard dog for our ladang. Of course, it was a cause for some eyebrow raising!
My ayah kept some wild monkeys as pets too - tolong panjat kelapa.
Pity about dogs - other than religious contraint - I've nothing against them. Cannot touch them coz later on need to 'samak' properly. And most of the dogs in Malay community are wild dogs who chased/barking after poor me!
I guess they've the instinct/ can smell the fact that I'm scared..
Hmmm...all these talk abt your pet dogs & my cats make me miss having them around so much!!
BTW, you don't have a dog or any pet now?
Dumma belongs to a stranger. Funny, I asked everything about her - what brands of cat food she eat, how many siblings, mandi berapa kali seminggu, dah 'kasi' ke belum, how she travels..blahblah 'til I forget to ask the lady-owner's name!
I know Dumma stays in an apartment with other 7 cats - she got to travel balik kampung to Kedah too. No animal hostel for her. Heheheh...if you see her, you'll simply gonna do the same!
Er, maybe I'm cat-deprived?
Yes, lotsa people esp. younger kida nowadays are allergic to cats - so cleanliness is very important when keeping cats as pet. We need to keep the house clean, the cats clean, wash hands after touching them etc.
Yeah, it's a lot of hardwork but it's a small thing to pay when you come home everyday, they come to you - touch your feet with their cold nose tip! Either they're hungry or that's what we call unconditional love! Heheh..
So, you don't have any pet right now? The way we live nowadays (in small houses, apartment in the city) - I guess there's no place for them since it's cruel to keep them in cage!
simah & the cat-lovers family,
See, told you that kita serupa....
Sadly, I don't have any cats right now. But wait - once I've my own place & extra money to buy the best foods for them -I'll start keeping them again...How about you?
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