Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ironic...don't you think?

Demam Pilihanraya
Our politicians are simply too much la. Cakap tak serupa bikin. Sudah terang lagi bersuluh. Semua perkara nak dipolitikkan. I can easily bring up numerous examples of inappropriate actions such as involving the simple weekend activity of senam-robic at the park. As I’ve been ‘following’ it for years already, I noticed the recent change of the banner. From previous ‘Anjuran Belia Majlis Daerah …’ to ‘Anjuran Pemuda U*NO Bahagian Serd*ang’ when actually the two places are quite far apart & totally unrelated in any way. Yes, I do understand that the people involved are mostly volunteers (however the instructors are paid) but why the sudden change in banner now? Do we really need to split into two camps for our exercises?

Then, there was the case of our 'Imam'. It was all over the news on the same day he announced the parliament dissolved - whereby he said on the previous day that, ‘menafikan pembubaran’ – Yes, I understand that it’s his prerogative to decide on whatever la but why can’t he simply says, “Tunggu dan lihat ke”, or “it’s for me to know & for you to find out later ke…” Dulu awal2 berita dah/nak kawin pun tak nak ngaku gak….last2 apa jadi? Susah la ini macam dey..

Then there are the people involved in our judiciary system. Arghhh!!

And they’re saying that students (ahem!) are not supposed to be involved in politics. And academics too. But all students must support..

Too good to be true (another Frog Prince -#11th?- story)
Once upon a night time…
Who?: Salam…bz studying n doing ur final thesis I guess?

Rad: Hw come u knw so much abt me? Xfair. No xclsmate named Who? I gues u must knw me frm my sis’s huby’s bro’s fren rite (Nope!)? ‘I feel so stupid’ abt l/nite (miscommunication due to he said ‘pgil abg jew k’ which I translated into ‘Yahudi’ which is actually ‘je’ or ‘jer’ –ahaks! Tunggu la sampai kucing bertanduk klu nak pgil abang)
Who?: Don’t feel bad k…is jz an intro, u don’t mind if we befriended? I know u since 13 (OMG!! Dis amounted to 20 years man!) n lost contact then after spm (Wow-wow!)
Who?: Small world, u r jz a small kid then. We hv never talk to each other…admiring ur strength..(Eeeuuuwwww…Who the heck is he???? Is he that guy on d bike on my daily walk home from sekolah agama petang? Or is he that particularly shy exclsmate from boarding school? Who I secretly admired aka syok sendiri(SS)?)

Rad: U don’t answer lotsa my ques. & im confused. U r x sbody I knw n u r x playg wid me, r u?
Who?: Ermm I know ur late father who loves smoking at verandah (Teeetttttt!! Wrong statement!) Ur mom who loves to cook (Teeettttt! I didn’t knw dis! Yes, mak is a good cook but I don’t think she loves it - same thing like mak can easily built chicken coop but it was bcoz she had to) 4 d children n sometimes quarrel about simple things..(dis was true to a certain extent I guess)

Rad: I gues u must b hvg such fun putting me @disadv. Lemme tel u – I dnt lk it 1 bit! V r 2 old 4 dis kinda thg.
Who?: Don’t be so angry n prejudice..(hamboi, sedap2 je ngko nak label orang ye!) I make ur life miserable with lots of guesses n prediction kn, u be back this CNY? Let’s meet (sape kau?!)
Rad: Who dare said im angry or even prejudice? Im jz MAD! Already md plan 4 CNY elsewhere n mak said – nver talk 2 strangers, much more meet them! Gotta go
Who?: Jumpa kt kg la rmh mak sng…(Are you crazy or what!???)

-The End-

In case (my gentle reader) you’re thinking that I've wasted my time thinking about the above lapse of judgment instead of the T – let me reassure you that I don’t need that kind of diversion. Kalau nak berkawan pun, tolong la jangan main2kan orang ok. You don’t know me (yet)! Do I need to explain why am I putting it down here?
P/s: Makcik geram ya amat sebenarnya!


Anonymous said...

oh you superwomen type, give that poor guy a break. i give him credits for being brave enuf to call you, knowing what an intelligent woman u r. and stop analyzing everything, ie butir2 percakapan dia, go with the flow, get into the playful spirit. perhaps its this diversion that you might need for your T. he he

-the devil's advocate
your ahkak aten

Anonymous said...

haha..kak rad..salamualaikum..

nice frog...i am sure he hopped a lot..siapa la berani kacau akak... firstly, cadangan...he should be more true right..introduce la..dah la akak nak siapkan keja..dia leh berteka-teki lak..tak menyumbang langsung...hoho..

saya pun nak numpang geram...ya, amat.


dlt said...

rad, lamanya menyepi. tot u already MIA without ever coming back. huhu!

poor guy. give him a chance will you? hehe! the analytical rad will just bring your headache. go with the flow and see what will happen. How's ur thesis writing?

rad said...

Oh ahkak ku,
What to do now? Hehehe..
Like one of my friends used to say, "You ni think too much la!" BTW, the overanalyzing things were actually the thoughts that went thru my mind..
Patutkah saya berguru dgn ahkak 're: go with the flow, get into the playful spirit'?
I guess I failed myself la eh?

Ah-ha, moneirah..
Ke mana kau menghilang? ahkak kahyg 'hilang'? Perjuangan kita masih belum selesai ye...
Yes, he should be a real man - kasitau nama sudah lah kan?

Hugs to you! *terharu coz ada yg miss me*
It was never my intention to disappear jz like that..I was around actually, bloghopping stealthily. I'll write about what had actually happened to me, one of these days.
That guy is a finished story.
You're one of those ppl who go with the flow too eh?