Friday, January 16, 2009

I would do anything for l*ve....(meat l*af)

..(But I Won't Do That)

I'm so happy today. I know, it's not appropriate at all to talk about anything else - other than raising awareness & doing all we can to help our brothers & sisters in Palestine (whether directly or in-). Some more, I've been promising myself not to blog until DDD is submitted (insyaAllah soon). But then I've been blogging nonstop in my head (wow! really!) & elsewhere (di manakah?) & promising (one or two ppl) to write updates to the previous entries (Manila Affair: he smsed quite recently- boleh saya telefon?; chance meeting with a ghost - scary!; Wedding Tales I, II and III; well, lots more! So, just bear with me...

BTW, before we get back on track: Apakah 'meat loaf' dlm bahasa ya? I've seen it some where but couldn't recall now.

Ok, catatan selepas ini sengaja ditulis dalam bahasa Melayu memandangkan 'The Power of Googling' yang memungkinkan The Intended Person (with the titled issue as above) menjumpai catatan saya di sini.

Disclaimer: The previous entry on 'In Love Again' has got Nothing To Do With Me. Obviously, I wrote it in First Person to make it more interesting. I've learn the hard way - never share your lov*(less) life online. Tu pasal, kejap2 ada entry lirik2 lagu jiwang karatlah, pastu bila break up ada pulak lagu2 syahdu merayu...boleh blah la kan! *siapa makan cili dialah yang terasa pedasnya, tak gitu bapak2 & ibuk2 sa-kalian?*

Ok, ok...back to the matter at hand.

Bayangkan sepasang 'kekasih' yang merancang untuk berkahwin. Memanglah jodoh pertemuan di tangan Tuhan tapi manusiakan perlu berusaha terlebih dahulu? Bukan ku pinta begini tetapi mereka berlainan agama. Gimana sih? Walau si lelaki 'willing to do anything for love' including uprooting himself by relocating across the continents to be nearer to her, selain daripada memeluk Islam? Ini bukannya perkara kecil yang boleh dibuat main-main. Islam itu rahmat Allah. si perempuan mungkin rasa merendah diri(?) kerna menarik seorang lagi hamba untuk dekat padaNya. Tapi mampukah dia yang sebenar2nya? Bukankah si perempuan itu sendiri perlukan bimbingan seorang lelaki yang dipanggil suami? (er, hello - ini bukan pasal jadi bos di pejabat ye!) Sia2lah Islamnya nanti kalau dianya sendiri tak terbela, di lelaki pulak...

Makanya, mohon pendapatan rakan sa-kalian yang ada membaca, mendengar, mengalami etc. permasalahan seperti di atas. Apakah patut diteruskan? Kiranya i-ya, apakah perkara2 yang perlu dititikberatkan? Gimana pula prosedurnya nanti? Apa mungkin ada isu2 berbangkit? Pls advise.

Bagi pihak yang berkenaan,


Darling said...

not u eh? ke berselindung? hehehehe (gelak jahat)

Anonymous said...

The only way to stop future genocide is to fight back our way. The cowards use drones and missiles. No suicide bombs. Use snipers and hitmans. Pay them to kill their ambassadors and their families, their company ceos and their families. They kill our children. List down the numbers they have kill and we try to reach that number. An eye to an eye. Hit them anywhere in this world, from Brazil to Mongolia.
Distribute this comment to as many people as possible all over the world.

D said...

sebelum apa-apa, nak komen kat komen kat atas tu dulu... tak masuk konteks langsungla! hehe... selingan dengan iklan pulak eh?

ok, ok... sonang baitu! jawapannya, serahkan pada Illahi saja. Solat istikharah and give it a little time to sort out and fall into place. A definite YES or NO is not easy at all. Tawakkal and so, jadi atau tidak, no feelings will be hurt (I HOPE SO!).

amacam, boleh?

Lee said...

Hi Rad, 'Meat loaf'? Daging roti? Ha ha.
You have a pleasant weekend, best regards, Lee.

rad said...

It WASN'T ME! Konpem tau..coz the foreign guy in the story simply jump from 'Step 1 - make the 1st move' to 'Step 7 - talk about marriage in concrete terms...' Hahaha...all within 30 days as per The List!!

Tapi kan...kalau ye pun, apa salahnya kan? *insertevillaughhere*

Yup, only istikharah & time will tell! Que sera, sera.. (eh, betul ke ejaan ni?)

Kalau rad yg rational lah kan - sure no feeling-meeling ni...

Thanks for trying but it doesn't sound right to me...'daging roti' reminds me of murtabak! Haha