Friday, May 09, 2008

We’re what we eat

Cross-Continent Lawak
D: Wak bangun tgk bulan. I pun tgh tgk bulan. Mesti bulan yg sama kan.
A: I dah tgok luar, xde pn bulannya? Er, jerubu? Cis xpernah dbuat org bgn tido cari bulan!!!

Further deductive investigation revealed that the supposedly seen-shining moon was in fact the light of a crane from a nearby building under construction. Wakakakakaka!!!!!!

Baca Doa
I was in the most sombre mood yesterday for the most sombre occasion – the passing away of my SIL#1’s mother (Al-Fatihah). Our family are closely inter-link such that when mak overnighted in town recently I brought her to my Ah Long’s house to meet my SIL#1’s mak. There, in front of me, both mothers sat side by side & chat nicely (while I listen & ate mostly) – that’s my last memory of her.

But really, I couldn’t help myself from smiling inside for this is what happened yesterday:

Immediately upon arriving at the rumah pusaka (she passed away at her youngest’s place just nearby), me, SIL#3a (coz ada #3b hehehe!) and bro sat down near the jenazah & joined others in reciting the Yaasin & tahlil for her.

Other visitors come & go after reciting their doas but me & SIL#3a decided to stay around & joined a group of ladies from the neighbourhood (pakaian sedondon, must be the kumpulan marhaban or mengaji surau lah) for a second round of Yaasin & tahlil.

Everything went on smoothly til the last part – reciting the final main doa. The leader of the ladies gang looked around & saw that there’re TWO guys around. So in deference of male superiority, she conceded her power by willingly asked the elder guy to recite the doa. He pointed to his bare eyes & then the Yaasin booklet so we were made to understand that he was unable to read the writings without his spectacles. Ok, so then the baton was passed to the next best alternative – a younger guy of about 40ish. Seeing that all the ladies were already ‘menadah tangan untuk berdoa’ he (has no alternative but) graciously lead the way by reciting the doas. Oh, how he stumbled & grappled... How do we know? Coz everybody followed through the reading by looking at our respective copies so as to ‘tambah khusyuk’ (& at the same time belajar sama2). The group leader pitied him so much so she passed her own copy of Yaasin to him –kononnya bigger writing, lagi senang baca la kan!! I dare not catch the eyes of my SIL or others coz I was trying very hard not to smile broadly…hehehe..Ini kes jarang baca Yaasin/Quran lah ni…belum lagi kes kena suruh baca doa selamat or kesyukuran (hafal?) ke!!

Take home lesson for today: Guys, nak wat lagu mana lagi, dah uols lelaki confirmed lah kena jadi ketua/imam – so you know lah what to do….

Kurangkan gula dalam minuman
Tambahkan manis dalam senyuman

BIL#1 has had his two toes taken off on late Tuesday evening (diabetes). I helped his only boy (F5) with the ‘burial’ of that part of his body immediately after maghrib that night. It was scary…I mean for the thought of having parts of your body chopped off like that – and if he’s not being careful (as in berpantang makan segala, ubah lifestyle) after this, more will follow…Na’uzubillah! He’s still warded due to complication with his kidney. Pray that he’ll get better soon..

Lesson for you & me: We’re what we eat. Makan untuk hidup bukan hidup untuk makan. Kalau lah xinsaf jugak….(I’ve the gory pix to share!!!)

Extra note: (Aside from pengaruh keturunan for kencing manis) The guy whose bed right in front of BIL also had his toes (first only one, then two…) taken off. According to his sister, the family has no record of whomever with kencing manis. But he worked as lorry driver for long haul so he used to consume lotsa carbonated drinks to keep awake while driving.

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