Monday, May 21, 2007

There must be more to life...

...than blogging or endless i-net surfing (even thesis).

Thinking about: SOFT ADDICTIONS!






J.T. said...

What are your soft addictions? I can't think of any other addictions at the moment except blogging. I hope I don't get burnt out with it.
Then again, if I took a break once in a while, at least I can get back to my cross stitching. I have not touched my project in 3 months. :)

rad said...

To share or not to share? Hehehehe..
I'll update later (bit tied up but still can reply eh?) as I want to share the book that I've read.
You did cross-stitch? Me too - I did the simple ones, you know -single color for Quranic verses that currently & proubly hanging in my mak's house & my bro's too.

J.T. said...

Oh yeah, cross stitch was so much a part of my life. I still want to get back to it but blogging has taken up my time. I will someday.
I completed about 20 projects. From simple ones to insert in cards, to simple framed work, to cushion cover, to wall hangings. One of my favourites is a three-panel country garden scene. That project took me 7 months to complete.
OK, take your time. Share later. :)

simah said...

soft addictions? apa pulak niii.. cerita la..tak aci ! dah bukak topic kena citer tau!!

u guys know how to cross stitch?..i tak sabar.. try 5 minutes..letak balik hahahaha

simah said...

soft addictions? apa pulak niii.. cerita la..tak aci ! dah bukak topic kena citer tau!!

u guys know how to cross stitch?..i tak sabar.. try 5 minutes..letak balik hahahaha

D said...

hey, am on a roll now. so miss blogging.. heh!

Darling said...

me also dah addicted kat blog. rasa mcm tak cukup complete hari tu kalau tak blog hoping or type apa2 kat blog. giler dah ni.

now i ada hobi baru, menyulam. sanggup beli buku tu tapi buku je le. start belum lagi. cross-stich rasa mcm dah bosan nak buat.

disebabkan hari tu spend lama sangat kat MPH, dah terbeli buku lagi. buku yg beli dulu pun tak habis baca lagi ni boleh beli lagi. bukan story book tapi buku yg rasanya boleh le menjana minda i yg dah makin berkarat ni.

wei jangan le hilang lelama.. :P

rad said...

Wow, you must be proud of yourself - to be able to complete 20 projects! And that 7-months one - it's gonna be sheer torture for since I still have an unfinished simple red-background with gold thread design that I started like ages ago..
What abt crochets? I started on these while working in a factory to while away the break time as per norm (then). Then I found a file full of interesting designs from a carboot sale & put all those on my want-to-do list! Most of the end products (that I've managed to complete) look crooked if not hideous.

Nanti2lah ye coz the stuff quite serious & I don't want to implicate myself with all the things mentioned in the book. That's another reason for the less bloghopping-marathon recently -coz I want to prove myself that I'm not a BLOGGERHOLIC!
And you know what, first things toward getting back on the Path is to stop denying!

Sorry but I've to say this - you are one of those - BLOGGERHOLICS!
Otherwise, how could you say 'I miss blogging'? Im sure it's not equivalent to saying, "I miss my thesis" eh?

Yes, you're are confirmed belonging to that not-necessary wise addiction group. What to do?

Better get back to that sulam thing before you are 'in' too deep.
Eh, I did sulam too (seriously, zaman pre-thesis). Mahal2 beli buku, show off something did come out of it la..
Books - I got them either from the library (I found out recently a vast collection of English Literature - code PR under the Library of Congress- previously I borrowed all those HB codes for social sciences), or online or second-hand b/shops. Kalau pergi MPH (never been to Borders or Kino-apantah tu coz I think they're not my place with student's budget) pun jz for browsing...or sale.
So, boleh la I pinjam buku2 yg menjana minda dari you ni? Heheheh..baca jgn tak baca dik oi!