Saturday, June 16, 2007

10 dalils why rad no te rajes!

…rad don’t give up! (A parody of Anita No Te Rajes - Latin Telenovela)

Not in any particular order of importance:
1. I’ve dedicated (one & a half yr plus) 4 'miserable yet fulfilling' years of my life to it –
surely it most be worth something?
2. Orang kampong semua dah tau…malu weh.
3. When I said ‘I do’ to the relationship, I already noticed & kinda agreed with the small prints:
Oh thou who fail, thou shalt have to pay us back to the sum of RM160K.
(Or is it RM200K)?
4. By right, coursework & comprehensive exams were half of the deal. Passed. Proposal defense
marked halfway through the other half. Done. Coming up with 3 written essays …Where did I
go wrong again?
I need to know, what I've done wrong
And how long it's been going on
Was it that I never paid enough attention?
Or did I not give enough affection?
Not only will your answers keep me sane
But I'll know never to make the same mistake again
You can tell me to my face,

Or even on the phone,
You can write it in a letter,
Either way, I have to know
Did I never treat you right?
Did I always start the fight?
Either way I'm going out of my mind
All the answers to my questions, I have to find
-Never Ever, All Saints-
5. Whole family members are depending on me to secure them a faraway holiday hideaway.
6. Mak is worrying over me which she shouldn’t be – instead of me wanting to make her happy
by taking her away for holidays/ziarah. It’s a promise.
7. I’m never a quitter!
8. I really want this – not for any glorifying reasons or whatsoever. Simply for knowing that I
can finish what I started. A much needed closure.
9. In memory of my late ayah.
10. I’m tired of taking & only taking – it’s high time for me to give back to the nation (Chewah!).

Checklist in order to avoid visits to the hospital due to hernia (angin pasang):
1.Put on weight? Obese?
2.Lose weight?
3. Gave birth?
4. Congenital?

How to describe it? It's like tiub dalaman yg terkeluar dari tayar pecah - ain't pretty at all!
Mak has had it (pusat) operated not that long ago - before the total knee replacement. One of my baby nieces is going for an operation soon -usus (she's not even 1-yr old). And today at 2am, one of my sis was operated for that too. No strenuous activities afterwards. Woman tend to have it in the abdominal part of the body. Guys...


J.T. said...

Rad es una mujeres muy bien! :)

The message I get from your list of 10 is that you have the tenacity to see through anything. You do it for the good of yourself and your family (plus the fact that you have to pay back a big sum of money if you don't complete it). hehe

ooo.. hernia. Not good - for women or men.

A.Z. Haida said...

insya Allah you can do it...

meanwhile, you have been tagged. visit my blog for details, ye?

rad said...

You're SO kind - assuming that I understood the sentence correctly.

At my current stage - either the carrot-or-stick (approach) has to be dangle in front of me at all times!
Moves forward - lil' $$$$$ (minuscule positive moneywise)!!
Moves backward or not moving at all - $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
(humongous negative moneywise)!!!!!
At the end of the day, it's all about money....

rad said...

Yes, yakin boleh!!

Meanwhile, I've peeked over the tag in your blog - Aiyayay!! it ain't easy that one..will do insyaAllah when time permits.

J.T. said...

My Spanish is a little rusty but I was trying to get the message across that you are a very good woman. :D

It is always about the money, isn't it? We need to live!
And when I mean money, I mean cold hard cash. Credit cards only add misery (my take on it) because one still does not own something if it is not paid up. :)

D said...

NEVER say never! Too late to retreat, babe!! Go on...

Anonymous said...

you made me smile, even chuckle

-kak tenah