Note: Thanks to Abe Id (OKB) who created this with good intention -hanya Tuhan yang mampu membalasnya- and dlt (SAHMwannabe) who tagged me.
You are tagged. You need to write an entry related to the meme. At the end of your entry you just need to tag as many person as you like. You will then leave a comment in their blog to let them know they have been tagged. And to include this message, "By doing this meme you are contributing rm127 to the Darul Izzah Orphanage in BBB".
Then please leave a comment in Idham’s blog to inform him that you have done the tag. The meme is about completing at least seventeen out of the following twenty seven sentences........
*These can be copied and pasted to your entry*
1. A person is only as good as …his/her heart.
2. Friendship is always ...about enduring the good times and the bad times.
3. To love is to ...honour, respect, cherish, blahblah ...and keep the person close to your heart.
4. Money makes me extra time planning what’s best to do with it. To consume or to save? What’s the opportunity cost of spending money? How’s my savings contribute towards nation building? *Chewah!* Er…zakat dah bayar ka?
5. I miss ayah, pet cats, all the people who were in my life (not in order of importance) ...
6. My way of saying I care is by ...holding kind thoughts about the person, making doa and shower them with attention (however & whenever possible).
7. I try to spread love and happiness by ...helping people in every little way that I can.
8. Pick the flowers when ....they’re dried & withered away not when they’re blooming coz that is Allah’s gift for every people to see & enjoy.
9. To love someone is to ...give yourself selflessly.
10. Beauty is ...overrated. Tapi siapa taknak jadi cantik? Benda cantik2? I want!
11. When I was thirteen, what I remember the most was ...being send away to live far away from home in a ‘grand ceremony’. Two family cars dari kampung ok and I didn’t cry at all even if I really wanted too...
12. When I was twenty one, I remember ...that particular birthdate spend on Eiffel Tower after a whirlwind 2-day tour of Paris. It’s merely coincidence. No Prince Charming in sight. *sigh*
13. I am most happy when ...I’m getting down & comfy with lotsa good books, knowing my family are close at hand and taken care of, my responsibility are dispose of, and there are no longer people who are dying of hunger or because of wars (dream on).
14. Nothing makes me happier than ...rags to riches, they lived happily ever after, Cinderella stories. Awwww……
15. If I can change one thing, I will change bad habit of needing time alone, away from people –even family & friends.
16. If smiles were ...precious... then I ...could have been worth millions already.
17. Wouldn't it be nice if we could honest to everyone at all times –
no pretentiousness.
18. If you want to ... then you have got to ...
19. Money is not everything but ...almost everything can be bought with money – buku cerita: watak Awang Selamat -read in Std 3.
20. The most touching moments I have experienced is ...every time I heard/watch news of anyone passing away ...remind me closer to the Day.
21. I smile when ...I’m happy (wide grin) or see people (sheepish & tentative ) that I know or holding different (sarcastic smile)/similar (encouraging smile) thoughts with the person that I'm talking too or ...(byk lagi jenis senyum nih).
22. When I am happy, I ...feel my heart blow up like a balloon, shooting up to the sky and I want the whole world to know (by blabbing away ceaselessly) !
23. If only I don't …have to 'suffer' while completing my study, then life is complete.
24. The best thing I did yesterday was ...held a warm & cuddly baby in my arms & dispensed unsolicited advises to the mom about never giving her junk food bila besar sikit nanti, bila nak rotan anak supaya anak tak berlagak raja, jangan bagi anak bawah 5 tahun makan cheese, blahblah ...get her to refer to this site: Hahaha…look at who’s talking la.
25. If I ever write a book, I will give it this title, "How not to complete writing your thesis within 3 years...for dummies"
26. One thing I must do before I die is life to the fullest!
27. Doing this meme, I feel like ...I’ve done at least one good deed for the day. MasyaAllah...
InsyaAllah, as an added incentive, I'm going to 'empower' the occasion with my august presence (wakakakaka!) - so see you when you get there peep!
And now, I officially declared the tagging continue to these kind & happy people:
atenah, simah, mon, laila, darling, d, and sape2 yg belum & sape2 yg baca ni - sendiri mau ingat lah.
Note to self: j.t. dah, AZ pun dah.
:) rad....thank you....:)
membaca ur responces....membuat abg id dapat rasai penderaan yg di lalui oleh seorang phD student ...tabahkan semangat ye...!
amboii...sempat tu tambah OKB la pulak....mana ada weyyy....;)
but ...syukur alhamdullilahh...dan ameennnnnn semoga masin doa rad itew...
nanti datang tau ke bangi tu...
tolong2 di dapur ye...:)
Hey Rad
Thanks for thinking of me! :)
Love your no. 26 - Live life to the fullest.
How true.. for there is only one that we get from God.
All the best in your studies. :)
Abe Id,
Sesungguhnya, saya sedang melalui penderitaan/penderaan yang amat dahsyat...sob3x!
Heheheh...maybe it's just me - orang lain tu senang je (aka lelap mata buat phd)!
OKB tu sebab bg saya cuma orang yg betul2 berduit je yg mampu buat apa yg Abe Id buat...niat mau ikhlas kan? Saya bagi percuma jer gelaran tu - bukan senang nak dpt -klu nak beli datukship pun mau puluhan ribu tau;-)
InsyaAllah akan menghadirkan diri.
Of course la I remember all my blogfriends - you're one! Heheheh..
Nak tag UL jugak but then dah lama tak drop by his site so malu ah..
You know what, I don't think I'm currently living my life to the fullest! I always feel like I've to complete my studies in order to start...but I'm living the moments of my life already right? Arghhhhh...whatever that means!
I smile when I read your #21 :-)
rad, ur #24, ehem... ehem.... tak mo ker bagi nasihat yg sama kat orang sini? hehe!
Pls explain you smile - which kind of smile is that? Ahah!
Tu la pasal, hang kena la pi jengok site tu - banyak ilmu berguna (rasanya) tapi pandai2lah amik yang baik2 aje! Tapikan kitakan cakap berdasarkan bacaan je, tak sama mcm orang tu yang hands on experience ye tak?
Apalah punya ayat kat atas tu!
'YouR smile' patutnya!
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