*Take the first 25 songs that come up and post a line or two (or three...) of lyrics from each one. Try not to make it too obvious by posting something from the middle of the chorus or that has the name of the song in it.
* Post it to your journal and let your friends try to guess the songs. No one likes a cheater, cheater pumpkin eater.
* When a song is correctly guessed, strike it out and put the title and artist next to it.
I dunno the origin and other details of this tag –other than AZ tagged me after being tagged by –Er (sat gi check no)?-. The instruction isn’t clear to me – shuffle your music - tang lagu mana? Ikut website tertentu? Whatever in my iTunes? MediaPlayers (tak synchronize pun)? In my head?
But then, I realized that this is really an opportunity for me to share my taste in music (bleh!) with other people so I’m going to change the rules a bit by giving out the music category & some clues (&/@ unwanted background noise). After all, it is no fun if nobody knows it but me (Tony Rich Project - remember?).
So, the first category is based on telenovela from Latin America! This is how I got addicted: In between my previous job and getting ready for the first week of attending lecture after I became a student again (that was back in 2001 ye) – I’d about two weeks of leisure – what else to do other than watch daytime tv – a pure (& forgone) luxury!
I was hooked first by Mis Tres Hermanas, followed later by Yo Soy Betty La Fea (currently re-marketed as Ugly Betty), then Mi Gorda Bella (lani diciplak pulak menjadi Manjalara@tv3 tuh), pastu Juana’s Miracle, Rosalinda@tv3, Secreto D’ Amor (started to skip watching dah ni) and Anita No Te Rajes (don't even know what was the end of it). Here goes...
1. El amor de mi vida eres tú
Sólo a tu lado quiero vivir
Sin ti mi cielo se vuelve gris ..
2. Yo sé que muchos que desprecian con mentiras
y suspiran y se mueren cuando piensan en mi amor
Si fea soy, pongámosle..
3. ..es una eternidad sintiendo como el tiempo
ya no existe junto a ti
me siento tan feliz...
4. Cariño mio, sin ti yo me siento vacio
Las tardes son un laberinto
Y las noches me saben ..
5. Dando de que hablar
Dando ejemplo de cómo se debe amar...
Poco a poco se me caen los besos en tu piel...
P/s: Pls - don't ask me to to translate lah...all I know - mi amor (sayangku), feliz (kebahagiaan), & por que?
Second category is Original Soundtrack (OST) from movies like Armageddon, The Mask of Zorro, Pretty Woman, etc.
6. But it’s over now
It must have been good
But I have lost it somehow…
7. Lyin' close to you
Feelin' your heart beatin'
And I'm wonderin' what you're dreamin' ..
8. Life is a dream
We are dreaming
Race the moon, catch the wind
Ride the night to the end
Seize the day, stand up for ...
9. Every single day
And every word you say
Every game you play, every night you stay..
10.I hope you don't mind, I hope don't you mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world..
11. Usahlah terburu buru
Atur langkah satu persatu
Aku hanya terlalu malu..
(Clue: Sokonglah artis programme reality tv)
12. …To give my heart away
But I found out the hard way
There’s a price you’ve to pay
(Clue: Oldies?)
13. Saikua tabang saikua lapeh
Tabanglah juo nan karimbo
Oilah malang juo..
(Clue: Asal oghang nogoghi oi!)
14.Country road take me home
to the place I belong
...Mountain mama
15.All the while you were in front of me i never realized
I just can't believe i didn't see it in your eyes
I didn't see it, i can't believe it..
(Clue:Mcm lah lani kan, terhegeh2 dok belajar guna MS Access -padahal software ni inbuilt with the pc - aiyoyo, manyak bagus lor!)
16.Bukan intan permata
Bukan paras rupa
Pandangan Tuhan pada manusia
<Naz & AZ-peminat setia Hijjaz: Jalan Bahagia - Hijjaz>
(Clue: Nasyeed pun main gak..)
17. 'Cause I wonder where you are and I wonder what you do.
Are you somewhere feeling lonely or is someone loving you
(Clue: Cool eh? macam kena je..)
18.Sawah lebar kobau banyak
Air pigi sojuk sekali
Sunyi sopi takdo oghang..
(Clue: Apo yo?)
19.Now it seems to me
That you know just what to say
But words are only words..
(Clue: Lelaki moden bersubang telinga - previously in a band)
20.There was a time I was everything and nothing all in one
When you found me I was feeling like a cloud across the sun
I need to tell you
How you light up every second of the day..
(Clue: Lelaki tua bersubang telinga jugak!)
21.If I could escape & recreate a place that's my own world
&I could be your favourite girl (forever),
Perfectly together…
(Clue: I've no doubt before..that she's coming to Malaysia!)
22.When I'm lost and insecure
you build me up and make me sure
that everything will be alright..
23.But life still goes on
I cant get used to living without living without
Living without you by my side..
24.Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything
Was as fresh as the bright blue sky
25.Now laughing friends deride
Tears I cannot hide
So I smile and say..
(Mana yg takde clue tu - mostly I'm hooked to the wonderful lyrics - rock la, oldies la, pop pun ok, Melayu-Omputeh & mcm2 lah! Asal boleh sing along sorang2..)
So, who would like to do this? How about you jt? Klu AZ dgn lagu Nippon nya, simah pulak sure come out dgn Turkish songs ye tak? Anyone else dare to bare all (your music jer)?
Psst! And in case you're wondering how come rad got time to do this - just cut & paste actually - I'm currently waiting for some part of my NEW data set to be released (pray soon - like this week pls..) so cannot start running any of the programme(S) yet - and I'm always tinkering with the write-ups such that I need to break away for a while ...thus justified my blogging!
Hey Rad
Thanks for the tag... may I do this next week? I am a bit tied up with something.
I have no idea what songs are in the first category. I can understand bits and pieces but not familiar with the lyrics or telenovas in Malaysia. :)
Second category:
6. Lyrics from OST of Pretty Woman
10. Lyrics from an Elton John song. Forgot title, correct ah?
Third category:
14. Country Roads - John Denver
17. Hello - Lionel Ritchie
21. Could that be Gwen Stefani?
23. familiar but I cannot get the title - 80s, sounds like it. :)
25. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes - The Platters
If I do this tag... may I cut down the choices from 25 down to 10??? hehe
After all, we don't know the origin or this tag and not sure who to ask exactly what to do. I am just going with 10 or my favourites and throw in the lyrics. :)
Hi Rad, I'll take a rain check on the mentioned songs. Regret not familiar with them.
Only can remember the jurassic ones, way beyond your time. Ha ha.
Ada senang datang, ya. UL.
Acik baco dah entry2 ekau yang lopeh2 . Naik kelabu mato acik. Dak tino ghupo eh ekau ni yeh. Acik ingat an jantan. Elok na la abieh an Phd tu.Poluang blaja ni bukan e datang slalu.
Acik pun PHD jugak tapi Pass Habis Darjah ajo.
Satu laie, tak jumpo dek acik kampung ekau doh. Kono pakai ceghomin mato dabal agak eh.
Satu ajo acik nak cakap . Ekau jangan maghah la pulak . Lamo2 acik baco blog ekau ni, acik ghaso ekau ni macam tak bahagio ajo.
Kau nak jongah acik, acik tak ado maintain blog. Onghang meghantau camni la deh. Camano pun ekau punyo blog ni dah masuk dalam list acik . Kok ghajin acik jongah lagi la.
ohh, lagu Sweet Child o mine tu lagu pebrit acik tuh. Tompi Imajinasi ekau x samo cam imajinasi acik . Aacik imajin kan Dak Axle Rose ngan Slash tu tongah khayal ateh stage sambil main lagu tuh.
Somput dah acik. lain kali yo lah.
Helo jt,
Er, how do i do that things - cross the words or put a line across the words? I saw it done in many blogs & need to learn how to do it. Then only I can update this entry right?
Thanks for being a good sport - tak kisahlah 10 out of 25 ke...no pressure ok - it's all for fun!
Er, you understand Spanish? It must have been fun to wach all those telenovela. For me, it's like watching Hindi movies esp. the songs - tak paham pun buat2 paham! (subtitles are terrible!)
I like old classic songs too. So, there're a sample of it shown in the list. Nevermind, thanks for dropping by!
Acik - oh, oghang kampong den,
Wuih! Ghajin eh acik baco yang lopeh2 tu...malu lak ghaso eh. Yolah, zaman mulo2 tulis sumo tu (sampai lani pun) dok meghapu ntah ko hapo2!
PhD tu lobih pado koperluan untuk kojo esok2 bukan untuk esey mendabik dado (Na'uzubillah..). Klu kito berniago contoh eh, tak perlu pakai phd doh - pongalaman yang ponting yo tak? Klu kojo gomen bagian pentadbiran pun - samo gak. It makes no different lah...Acik jgn nak merendah diri pulak yo. Kito semuo ni samo2 belaja dari University of Life kan? Laie pun kan ko ilmu Allah tu maha luas, alangkan seluruh lautan dijadikan tinta pun tak cukup nak tulih! Setakat belaja satu cabang ilmu, apolah sangat - ilmu dunio tak bawak mano pun.
La, acik tak jumpo ko kampong esey? Ado kek dotcom tu ha. Cubo baco boto2.
Cakap pasal bahagio - huih, panjang nak ceghito kek sini, dah lamo teragak nak tulis pasal ni & dah janji pun tapi bolum ado kosompatan laie. Macam nilah, esey banyak tulis bondo2 yang tak pueh ati dgn orang ko, dgn sistem ko kek sini. Segalo yg buruk2 diceghito an tapi yang baik2 selalu lupo -tak ingat pun untuk bersyukur pada Tuhan. Mako eh, nampak macam esey tak bahagio & masih mencarik2 tapi sebona2 eh esey amat2lah bersyukur dgn ghaso kebahgiaan yg Allah bagi. Bahgio ni ado macam2. Macam iman jugak ado pasang surut eh. Macam idup gak yg ibarat roda. Yang ponting kito berusaho untuk mencapai kebahgiaan hakiki. Setiap orang tu tak samo, ado bahgian memasing. Esey tak maghah kek acik doh..esey suko gak klu acik dapek bagi panduan serbo sedikit berdasarkan pengalaman acik lah. Acik ni meghantau kek mano? Ceghito lah sikit. Esey dulu pun camnilah..seghonok baco blog oghang peh tu datang gian nak menulih sendighi pulak. Harap eh, acik pun gitulah. jgn malu2...
Lagu Sweet Child tu mmg femes zmn esey mudo rumajo dulu...kisah eh lani budak jantan yg potik gitar tu dah pun nikah dgn budak pompuan yg samo2 ado kek pantai maso tu..jiwang karat kato oghang!
Acik jago dirilah...apo pasal oghang nogoghi byk yg somput ha?
Hi Rad
Oh.. are you talking about the strike-through. Actually I don't use it. So I am not sure how some bloggers do it from the blog. Frankly, I don't like to see it because it looks like untidy work to me. :D
If I were a teacher giving marks, I would circle all those annoying things in red. hahaha
You may want to ask some bloggers who have done it. There is a feature in MSWord that does strike-through. In case, you did not know...
To apply strikethrough formatting select the text that you want to change. On the Format menu, click Font, and then click the Font tab. Select the Strikethrough or Double strikethrough check
I understand a little Spanish. Took a summer course at Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas. No practice since being in Germany, though. Now when I open my mouth to speak a foreign language, I seem to remember only German words. haha
I need to have a refresher course in Spanish. Yeah, it can be a little fun watching Telenovelas but I still need help from the subtitles. They speak too fast. :)
sorry lambat komen sebab takdak internet kat rumah and mai skolah seminggu sekali je.
anyway, here are my guesses:
6. "It Must Have Been Love", Roxette (pardon the spelling)
9. "Every Breath You Take", The Police
10. "Hope You Mind" - OST Moulin Rouge
16. "Jalan Bahagia", Hijjaz. (I am sure by now you know that I am a big fan of Hijjaz"
22. "Masterpiece", Atlantic Starr
hmmm... lagu latino, i memang out although i once ikut citer betty la fea beria-ia...
Thx once again - this time for teaching me the art of the strikethrough. Since, you're the teacher & you don't like it (I dare not overrule you) - I guess I'll have to strike out the idea!
Speaking abt learning a foreign language - there're a lot of online cources available - I did sign up to continue with my rudimentary long ago & forgotten French but alas....(you know lah what happen -heheh!) However, it is still my dream to know all these languages (Arabic, Spanish, French, Mandarin etc) & travel to the respectively countries for a real holiday of a lifetime!
So, did you watch the currently showing on Mesian tv -Ugly Betty?
It's so much better in terms of principles though we won't get the same ole secretary who fall in loves with the boss here..whaddaya think?
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