Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wedding Tales (coming up next after the break..An important tagged-advertorial 2row!)

This is just a teaser (to further whet your appetite!):

LOVE IS IN THE AIR (John Paul Young)

Love is in the air
Everywhere I look around
Love is in the air
Every sight and every sound

And I don't know if I'm being foolish
Don't know if I'm being wise
But it's something that I must believe in
And it's there when I look in your eyes

Love is in the air
In the whisper of the trees
Love is in the air
In the thunder of the sea

And I don't know if I'm just dreaming
Don't know if I feel sane
But it's something that I must believe in
And it's there when you call out my name

Love is in the air
Love is in the air
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

Public Announcement: O - Hear ye! Hear ye!
1. (To ah-kak)
rad has not YET submitted her thesis, much more had her viva. so, the previous 'request minor revisions' refers to an article (out of the three essays she works on) meant for publication in a journal which had earlier been rejected *sigh* more than once but somehow she and the co-author had persevered and worked laboriously to revise and improvise so finally what a relief it is to be able to say, "there's hope still!" and thus the journey to The End continues....

2. (To UL)
Thank you for your gentle reminder regarding the dating site(S). But, (in Britney's breathless voice or was it Gwen Stefani?) "I'm having so much fun!!!!"
The key operative word is FUN (& never, ever taking other people for a ride - honest!). I'm forever reminded & indebted to my Utmost Responsibility! If only writing an article is as easy as writing a blog entry....*sighagain*

3. (To dlt)
Tu la pasal, kalau dah ngadap pc 24/7 - sure tersasul/terlajak langkah jugak la kan? Aritu bz dgn fb la, geni la, my yearbook la, even friendster (my nephews dah catch up on me! Erkk!!), dll yg sewaktu dgnnya. Lani...kasi chan lah ok? Citer hantu tergantung? Hehehe...ada jugak yg baca ye? Ok, since you asked for it - I'll post the ending JUST FOR YOU! (Awww!) but much later ok? Coz suspen gile babas sampai i termimpi2 mlm tu...jeng3x!!

4. Coming up next: Wedding Tales (part I) - Debaran 26th December)....Duda anak dua *gulp!*


J.T. said...

Hi Rad

That's a lovely song. If everyone in this world can believe that love is in the air all the time, we would not have strive and wars.

All the best for 2009. Happy New Year.

Lee said...

Hi Rad,
Love - a wildly misunderstood although highly desirable malfunction of the heart which weakens the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and the lips to pucker.

Here's wishing you and all at home selamat tahun baru.
Best regards, Lee.

Ku Keng said...

Hi Rad. Salam.

Happy New Year though a few days belated!